Shapefile of existing villages

Brian Leung根據公開資料要求民政事務總署 總署披露資料

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.


Dear Home Affairs Department,

I request the shapefile of all the existing villages for election of resident representative.

Yours faithfully,

Brian Leung

民政事務總署 總署

Dear Mr. LEUNG,

I refer to your email of 25.4.2018 to our department requesting for the
shapefile of the existing villages for election of resident

While your request is being taken into consideration, grateful if you
would state your reasons for collecting these digital form for our further
processing.  Thank you for your kind attention.

If you have other enquires, please give a call to the undersigned at 2835

(Ms. Irene FONG)
for Director of Home Affairs

From:        Brian Leung <[索取資料要求 #270 電郵]>
To:        FOI requests at Home Affairs Department Headquarters
總署 供索取資料的電郵]>
Date:        25/04/2018 10:28
Subject:        Freedom of Information request - Shapefile of existing


Dear Home Affairs Department,

I request the shapefile of all the existing villages for election of
resident representative.

Yours faithfully,

Brian Leung


This is a request under the Code of Access to Information facilitated via
the website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[索取資料要求 #270 電郵]

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Dear Home Affairs Department Headquarters,

The shapefile would be used for media reporting. I believe that the prompt provision of shapefile would align with the open data policy and the Smart City Blueprint of the government.

Yours faithfully,
Brian Leung

民政事務總署 總署

Dear Mr. LEUNG,

I refer to your email of 3.5.2018 sent to our HQs.  Kindly note that we
are considering your request and shall revert soon.

(Ms. Irene FONG)
for Director of Home Affairs
(Tel: 2835 1557)

民政事務總署 總署


Dear Mr. LEUNG,

Thank you for your email of 3.5.2018 sent to our HQs regarding your
request for the 2019-2022 boundary maps of Existing Villages and/ or
Market Towns for the Rural Representative Election in shapefile format.  

This office has no objection to release such information to you.  The
"Terms and Conditions of Use" is attached below for your compliance,
please.  Please read carefully and return a signed reply slip to our
office.  Once we receive your signed reply slip, we will pass the
shapefile to you via email.  

Please be reminded that the shapefile format of the 2019-2022 boundary
maps of Existing Villages and/ or Market Towns only show the boundaries
but no other digital data such as the topographic map database and digital
land boundary database.  The maps are solely for the purpose of holding
the election(s) or by-election(s) of Rural Representative Election from
2019 to 2022 and are not intended for any other purpose.  

Besides, the 2019-2022 boundary maps of Existing Villages and/ or Market
Towns in pdf format are also accessible to the public in our Rural
Representative Election website ([1]

(Ms. Irene FONG)
for Director of Home Affairs
(Tel: 2835 1557)

Brian Leung加入了一個備註。(

After returning the reply slip with signature for compliance with the "Terms and Conditions of Use", I received a zip file containing the shapefile.