Some questions about iAMSmart and Covid-19 testing result

LU Zhenyuan根據公開資料要求商務及經濟發展局政府資訊科技總監辦公室披露資料

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Dear Innovation and Technology Bureau Office of the Government Chief Information Officer,
We are student from HKBU, and we are working on a project related to iAMsmart.
Here are the questions we hope OGCIO could answer under the Code on Access to Infomation.

Q1: For the platform how many times have the users accessed their test results in the past 6 months (please provide the latest figures)?

Q2: Among the users in Q1, what percentage of the accesses are through iAMSmart app? We assume the rest is through the web browser (entering HKID and specimen no.). Please let us know if the assumption is correct.

Q3: How many users have registered for iAMSmart? Could you provide the no. of new users on a monthly basis since the introduction of the app?

Q4:When iAMSmart is used to login to EVT platform, the users have to click several times- first reach EVT platform from iAMSmart, then go back to iAMSmart to login. This seems rather complicated and user unfriendly. Alternatively, such login could be done at the backend without the users having to go through multiple steps; in other words, users’ consent should be assumed when iAMSmart is used to login to another platform. Could you comment on the technical feasibility of the proposed new design (i.e. let the authorization happen at the background without numerous clicks).

Q5: It seems that vaccination and testing records can only be accessed though EVT and iAMSmart only serves as a login tool. Apply Wallet allows the users to save a copy of the vaccination record offline. Could iAMSmart offer similar function, i.e. allowing the users to download and save a copy of the vaccination record in iAMSmart app? If this is possible, the EVT site will handle fewer enquiries. Please comment on the feasibility of this proposal.

Q6: As we know the LeaveHomeSafe does not track the personal information of the users. Yet, Mainland authorities expect HK to have a health code system that tracks individuals in order to open the border. To what extent do you think is it possible to integrate iAMSmart with LeaveHomeSafe to develop LeaveHomeSafe Plus that tracks users’ identities and personal information? Please let us know if the OGCIO has such a plan. Please also comment on the technical feasibility of integrating iAMSmart and LeaveHomeSafe.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Yours faithfully,

LU Zhenyuan

OGCIO Enquiry/OGCIO, 商務及經濟發展局政府資訊科技總監辦公室

Dear LU Zhenyuan,


Thank you for your email.  Please find information in response to your
questions as follows.



Q1:   For the platform [1] how many times
have the users accessed their test results in the past 6 months (please
provide the latest figures)?


A1:    There were 3 656 000 accesses to COVID-19 electronic testing
records in the past 6 months.



Q2:   Among the users in Q1, what percentage of the accesses are through
iAMSmart app? We assume the rest is through the web browser (entering HKID
and specimen no.). Please let us know if the assumption is correct.


A2:    Among the accesses in A1, 26% were made via the iAM Smart app and
74% were made via the COVID-19 Electronic Vaccination and Testing Record
(EVT) System website ([2] using identity
document and specimen numbers.



Q3:   How many users have registered for iAMSmart? Could you provide the
no. of new users on a monthly basis since the introduction of the app?


A3:    The number of new iAM Smart users by month since the launch of iAM
Smart on 30 December 2020 is given below.


Number of
new iAM
to the
2020 to 55 000
February 31 000
March 69 000
April 107 000
May 2021 125 000
June 2021 112 000
July 2021 252 000
August 97 000
September 75 000
Total 923 000



Q4:   When iAMSmart is used to login to EVT platform, the users have to
click several times- first reach EVT platform from iAMSmart, then go back
to iAMSmart to login. This seems rather complicated and user unfriendly.
Alternatively, such login could be done at the backend without the users
having to go through multiple steps; in other words, users’ consent should
be assumed when iAMSmart is used to login to another platform. Could you
comment on the technical feasibility of the proposed new design (i.e. let
the authorization happen at the background without numerous clicks).


A4:    Upon the first time login to EVT, the user will be requested to
provide his/her Hong Kong Identity Card number via iAM Smart for identity
authentication.  As a security process to ensure stringent privacy
protection, each passing of such personal data requires an explicit
authorisation via the iAM Smart app, thus resulting in the mentioned
switching between EVT and the iAM Smart app.  We would like to emphasise
that this above-mentioned process is only for the first time login. 
Subsequent login to EVT could be completed directly without switching back
to iAM Smart for authorisation to pass personal data.  However, if there
are setting issues on the mobile phone, users may experience such
switching in subsequent logins to EVT.  In this case, users may contact
the iAM Smart Helpdesk at 182 123 for assistance in adjusting the mobile
phone setting.



Q5:   It seems that vaccination and testing records can only be accessed
though EVT and iAMSmart only serves as a login tool. Apply Wallet allows
the users to save a copy of the vaccination record offline. Could iAMSmart
offer similar function, i.e. allowing the users to download and save a
copy of the vaccination record in iAMSmart app? If this is possible, the
EVT site will handle fewer enquiries. Please comment on the feasibility of
this proposal.


A5:    The design objective of iAM Smart is to position it as a digital
services platform providing a unique digital identity for users, enabling
them to log in and use various online services by their personal mobile
phones, instead of replacing the functions and operations of individual
online services and applications using this platform.  Other supporting
functions of the iAM Smart platform include form-filling, personal
notification and digital signature.  Currently, users can access more than
150 online services which have adopted iAM Smart, including the EVT which
uses iAM Smart's identity authentication function to retrieve the
vaccination and testing records.



Q6:   As we know the LeaveHomeSafe does not track the personal information
of the users. Yet, Mainland authorities expect HK to have a health code
system that tracks individuals in order to open the border. To what extent
do you think is it possible to integrate iAMSmart with LeaveHomeSafe to
develop LeaveHomeSafe Plus that tracks users’ identities and personal
information? Please let us know if the OGCIO has such a plan. Please also
comment on the technical feasibility of integrating iAMSmart and


A6:    The "LeaveHomeSafe" mobile app aims at providing a convenient
digital tool for members of the public to record where they have visited. 
In the light of the public concern for personal privacy, the app is
designed so that users are not required to register any personal
information, and neither does it have a tracking function nor record any
information on users' geographic locations.  In an unfortunate event of
infection, the "LeaveHomeSafe" user is required to submit their visit
records as prescribed by law to assist the Centre for Health Protection of
Department of Health in epidemiological investigations.  Regardless of
whether those confirmed patients are "LeaveHomeSafe" users or not, their
visit records will be broadcasted through the "LeaveHomeSafe" to other
users who have visited the same venues at the relevant time.  Health
advice will be issued to them to enhance their vigilance so as to minimise
the risk of further transmission of the virus.


We would continue to explore different technology solutions to enhance the
app and expand its functionality to support the latest anti-epidemic
strategies and related measures of the Government.



If you wish to know more about iAM Smart, you may visit the iAM Smart
website at: [3]





for Government Chief Information Officer



Dear OGCIO Enquiry/OGCIO,
Thanks for your reply.
And, could you please leave some comments about feasibility I mentioned in Q5&Q6. We have learned about the government's product positioning of these two apps, but I would like to know whether the mode in Q5&Q6 are feasible or not, and why.

Yours sincerely,

LU Zhenyuan


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OGCIO Enquiry/OGCIO, 商務及經濟發展局政府資訊科技總監辦公室

Dear LU Zhenyuan,


Thank you for your email.


As explained previously, the design objective of iAM Smart is to position
it as a digital services platform providing a unique digital identity for
users, enabling them to log in and use various online services by their
personal mobile phones, instead of replacing the functions and operations
of individual online services and applications using this platform.  We
would continue to explore different technology solutions to enhance
government services.  As for the feasibility of any suggestions or
solutions, not only their technical feasibility but also other factors
such as business and operational impacts, cost-effectiveness and
read-across implications would need to be taken into consideration before
making any changes to the systems.




for Government Chief Information Officer



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