Statistics in relation to judicial review cases

Isaac Shaffer根據公開資料要求律政司披露資料

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

此索取資料要求的回應嚴重逾期。 據《公開資料守則》,不論任何情況,律政司應已回覆要求。 (詳情). 你可以透過一下途徑作出投訴requesting an internal review.

Dear Department of Justice,

We would be grateful if you could please provide responses to the following queries.

1. Can the Government please provide statistics on the following:
The percentage (%) of applicant/ claimants for judicial review cases which are represented at the following stages:

On submitting an initial (Form 86) application for Judicial Review -
At/ before the permission hearing -
After permission is granted but on/before their full Judicial Review hearing -

2. Can the Government please confirm the percentage of applicants who remain unrepresented throughout their application for judicial review?

Unrepresented Applicants:
Year 2015:
Year 2016:
Year 2017:

3. Can the Government please provide statistics on the following:
The number of applications for judicial review submitted for which a decision on permission to proceed was given by the Court:

No. of decisions given:
Year 2015:
Year 2016:
Year 2017:

4. Can the Government please provide statistics on the following:
The number of decisions given in which permission to proceed was granted:

Permission Granted:
Year 2015:
Year 2016:
Year 2017:

5. Can the Government please provide statistics on the following:
The average period of time taken from the application being received to the decision on whether permission to proceed is granted or refused:

Average period of time:
Year 2015:
Year 2016:
Year 2017:

Yours faithfully,

Justice Centre Hong Kong

Thank you very much for the message. The content has been noted. We shall
reply to you, where appropriate, as soon as possible. (The above is
generated by an auto-reply programme to acknowledge receipt of your


DoJ Information, 律政司

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Dear Justice Centre Hong Kong,

I refer to your application for access to information dated 17 April 2018.

Your request should be under the purview of Judiciary. If you have no
objection, we can pass your request to the Judiciary for handling. Or you
may contact Judiciary regarding your enquiry and its details of contact is
set out below for your reference -

Email: [4][email address]

Cherie CHAN
Executive Officer (Administration)3
Administration & Development Division
Department of Justice

IMPORTANT NOTE: This message is intended for the attention of the
addressee only. The contents may be covered by legal professional
privilege. No unauthorised access, disclosure, reproduction or
retransmission is permitted. Any or all liability which might arise from
the use or reliance on the whole or any part of the contents is excluded.
If you have received this message in error, please contact us immediately.

Dear Department of Justice,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Department of Justice's handling of my FOI request 'Statistics in relation to judicial review cases'.

There has been an unacceptable delay in responding to this request, for which no explanation has been provided.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Isaac Shaffer

Thank you very much for the message. The content has been noted. We shall
reply to you, where appropriate, as soon as possible. (The above is
generated by an auto-reply programme to acknowledge receipt of your


DoJ Information, 律政司


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Dear Isaac Shaffer,
Thank you for your email dated 10 July 2018.
As mentioned in the email sent to you on 25 April 2018 (see attached),
your request on 17 April 2018 for statistics in relation to judicial
review cases should be under the purview of the Judiciary instead of our
department.  We have not received a reply from you since then.  If you
would like us to refer your case to the Judiciary for handling, please let
us know by replying this email.  You may also contact the Judiciary direct
regarding your enquiry and its contact details are set out below for your
reference -
Email: [4][email address]
Cherie CHAN
Executive Officer (Administration)3
Administration & Development Division
Department of Justice
IMPORTANT NOTE: This message is intended for the attention of the
addressee only. The contents may be covered by legal professional
privilege. No unauthorised access, disclosure, reproduction or
retransmission is permitted. Any or all liability which might arise from
the use or reliance on the whole or any part of the contents is excluded.
If you have received this message in error, please contact us immediately.

Dear DoJ Information,

Please kindly refer this request onwards to the Judiciary.

Yours sincerely,

Isaac Shaffer

Thank you very much for the message. The content has been noted. We shall
reply to you, where appropriate, as soon as possible. (The above is
generated by an auto-reply programme to acknowledge receipt of your



Dear Isaac Shaffer,
        I refer to your email dated 17.4.2018 addressed to the Department
of Justice, which was referred to the Judiciary Administration for
handling on 18.10.2018.  We will give you a reply in due course.


Ms Josephine CHIU
for Judiciary Administrator
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Dear Isaac Shaffer,

                I refer to your email dated 17.4.2018 addressed to the
Department of Justice, which was referred to the Judiciary Administration
for handling on 18.10.2018.  

2.                In response to items (3) to (4) and item (5) of your
access request, I append below two sets of statistics for the period from
2015 to 2017 for your information:-

Statistics on number of applications for judicial review submitted for
which a decision on permission to proceed was given by the Court (with
breakdown by outcome) (2015-2017)

Outcome of Applications for Leave for Judicial Review
Year (as at 28.2.2018)
Leave granted Leave refused Withdrawn
2015 67 142 32
2016 26 145 26
2017 21 313 38

Average period of time taken from the application being received to
decision on whether permission to proceed is granted or refused

Average Processing Time
Year (from date of filing of leave application to date of decision) (as at
2015 218 days
2016 154 days
2017 149 days

3.                In relation to items (1) and (2) of your access request,
please note that the Judiciary Administration does not keep the requested


Ms Josephine CHIU
for Judiciary Administrator
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