We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Ms Dotto please sign in and let everyone know.

Statistics of migrant workers in Hong Kong

Ms Dotto根據公開資料要求勞工及福利局披露資料

Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

We're waiting for Ms Dotto to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Labour Department,

I am writing to make a data request access about migrant workers statistics in Hong Kong.

May I know, in each of the years between 2013 – 2023,

1. The number of migrant workers by nationalities and gender

2. Type of contract/visa/working permit they have by number and %

3. Different jobs they do by number and % and, specifically, the % of domestic workers

4. Average hourly salaries by type of job of migrant workers

5. Migrant workers' contribution to Hong Kong economy

If a CSV or Excel format is possible, I would greatly appreciate it.

Yours faithfully,
Carlotta D


Dear Carlotta D,

I refer to your request for information under the Code on Access to
Information (“the Code”) received by this Department on 25 July 2023.
 Please be informed that your request is now under processing, we will
respond to you as soon as possible.  Thank you.

Chandler CHAN
Labour Department


Dear Carlotta D,

I refer to your request for information under the Code on Access to
Information (“the Code”) received by this Department on 25 July 2023.
 Further to the interim reply of 28 July 2023, having consulted the
relevant departments, I am authorised to provide you a consolidated reply
as follows.

Information on migrant workers (which include foreign domestic helpers and
imported workers) is provided below:

Questions 1 and 2:
A breakdown on the numbers of applications for visas/entry permits for
employment in Hong Kong as foreign domestic helpers and imported workers
under the Supplementary Labour Scheme (SLS) approved by the Immigration
Department (ImmD) from 2013 to 2023 (as at June) by region is tabulated as

Foreign Domestic Helpers

Region 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Philippines 48 808 49 029 51 905 47 174 50 841 50 117
Indonesia 43 558 42 915 43 213 45 664 41 534 45 571
India 1 005 1 066 1 300 1 362 1 508 1 563
Thailand 649 684 574 602 672 544
Sri Lanka 565 488 424 435 474 437
Bangladesh 426 558 378 214 230 184
Myanmar 9 235 23 26 11 10
Others 37 85 119 67 88 136
Total 95 057 95 060 97 936 95 544 95 358 98 562

Region 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 (Jan-Jun)
Philippines 51 286 39 887 32 674 36 454 22 760
Indonesia 47 330 27 159 23 789 27 963 16 704
India 1 697 1 033 977 1 540 1 041
Thailand 526 267 280 403 246
Sri Lanka 448 207 155 274 200
Bangladesh 212 130 98 181 100
Myanmar 16 10 10 23 10
Others 195 171 169 145 45
Total 101 710 68 864 58 152 66 983 41 106

Imported workers under SLS

Region 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Mainland 2 453 2 488 3 628 3 452 3 824 3 559
Thailand 11 17 87 42 97 92
India 18 20 17 25 26 31
Philippines 88 9 92 20 28 19
Others 12 9 28 6 7 14
Total 2 582 2 543 3 852 3 545 3 982 3 715

Region 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 (Jan-Jun)
Mainland 3 966 4 279 5 627 7 785 2 594
Thailand 66 57 75 93 62
India 27 37 39 43 29
Philippines 30 19 21 22 10
Others 21 11 19 18 15
Total 4 110 4 403 5 781 7 961 2 710

The Government does not maintain other breakdowns mentioned in Questions 1
and 2.

Question 3:
A breakdown on the numbers of applications for visas/entry permits for
employment in Hong Kong as imported workers under SLS approved by ImmD
from 2013 to 2023 (as at June) by industry/sector is tabulated as follows:

Imported workers under SLS

Industry/Sector 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Community  Social and Personal 1 107 1 339 1 879 1 483 2 198 1 789
Construction 435 123 750 956 393 594
Agriculture and Fisheries 725 746 844 730 963 851
Wholesale  Retail  Import/Export 108 146 171 189 209 263
Trades  Restaurants and Hotels
Manufacturing 199 162 190 149 186 157
Financing  Insurance  Real 6 27 9 26 27 45
Estate and Business Services
Transport  Storage and Communications 2 0 9 12 6 16
Total 2 582 2 543 3 852 3 545 3 982 3 715

Industry/Sector 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 (Jan-Jun)
Community  Social and Personal 2 249 2 139 3 238 5 117 1 404
Construction 315 564 95 363 72
Agriculture and Fisheries 983 1135 1550 1514 706
Wholesale  Retail  Import/Export 272 293 477 518 260
Trades  Restaurants and Hotels
Manufacturing 218 207 342 358 168
Financing  Insurance  Real Estate 66 58 79 80 96
and Business Services
Transport  Storage and 7 7 0 11 4
Total 4 110 4 403 5 781 7 961 2 710

Foreign domestic helpers are only allowed to perform domestic duties
specified in their employment contracts.  Therefore, there is no breakdown
by industry/sector for foreign domestic helpers.

Questions 4 and 5:

The Government does not maintain statistics on migrant workers’ average
hourly salaries and their contribution to Hong Kong’s economy.

Chandler CHAN
Labour Department


We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Ms Dotto please sign in and let everyone know.