The Injury and Death of Mr. Lam Wing-Shun, Terry 林榮順先生受傷及死亡事件


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Dear Labour and Welfare Bureau (LWB),

Regarding the injury and death of the blind footballer Mr. Lam Wing-Shun, Terry (the Incident) after the First Hong Kong Open Football 5-A-Side Tournament (i.e. the Hong Kong Blind Football Open Tournament 2014), held on 16 & 17 December 2014, organised by the Hong Kong Blind Sports Federation Ltd (HKBSF) (relevant media report: , I would like the LWB to provide the following information.

1. The chairman of the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee (RAC), Mr. Hui Chung-shing, Herman, SBS, MH, JP, is also one of the Honorary Presidents of the HKBSF. Since the Terms of Reference of the RAC include "to advise on the respective roles of Government, voluntary organizations and other bodies providing rehabilitation services" and "to assist the Government in promoting and monitoring the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Hong Kong", the RAC and/or the LWB apparently have the authority to provide advice to the HKBSF in dealing with the aftermath of the Incident and responding to the family of Mr. Terry Lam. What actions did or would Mr. Herman Hui, the RAC and/or the LWB take with regard to the Incident?

2. Will the LWB, or other relevant bureaux/departments, conduct investigation into the Incident?

3. Please provide the full video footage of the aforementioned football tournament on 16 & 17 December 2014. If the LWB cannot accede to the request, please also take into the public interest of the disclosure of the footage, in accordance with paragraphs 1.20 – 1.23 and 2.14 of the Code on Access to Information.

Thank you very much.



(一)查康復諮詢委員會主席許宗盛先生,SBS,MH,JP 亦身兼「盲體總會」的名譽會長,而康復諮詢委員會的職權範圍包括:「就政府、志願機構及其他提供康復服務的團體擔當的角色提供意見」以及「協助政府在香港推廣聯合國《殘疾人權利公約》和監察其在香港實行的情況」,因此,康復諮詢委員會及/或勞工及福利局顯然有權責向「盲體總會」就該會處理「事件」及回應林榮順先生家屬要求的手法提供意見。許宗盛先生、康復諮詢委員會及/或勞工及福利局曾經/將會就「事件」採取甚麼行動?




Yours faithfully,


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