Traffic accidents happened in HK


This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was partially successful.

Dear Transport Department,
I want to ask the number of traffic accidents happened in HK urban area in the past ten years. Please also attach the specific address and may be reasons.
I'm looking forward to your reply.Thank you!


Subject:Freedom of Information request - Traffic accidents happened in HK (Case Ref: 2-4281104086)

Dear Lisa,

Thank you for your email to the Transport Department dated 14/10/2017. Please note that 1823 of the Government helps the Transport Department receive public enquiries and complaints via its e-mail box "[Transport Department request email]", telephone hotline "2804 2600" and fax hotline "2804 2652". We answer enquiries directly. For unresolved enquiries and complaints, we will refer them to the Department or other concerned bureaux and departments for action.

We have referred your case to the Transport Department. You will be informed of the outcome as soon as possible.

If you have any enquiries, please contact us.

Best regards,
Grace Chan
Customer Service Officer

Tel: 1823
Fax: 2760 1823
Email: [email address]

(For effective handling of your case, all our conversations may be recorded, irrespective of whether you dial in or we call you back.)

Dorothy Shuk Kwan CHIM, 運輸署

Dear Lisa,

I refer to your email dated 14.10.2017 requesting for statistics of
traffic accidents in Hong Kong and would like to provide the following
information for your reference.

Road traffic accident statistics for Hong Kong since Year 2000 can be
found from the Transport Department's web site at the following link:

If you have any enquiry about the above reply, please contact Mr Yip at
2294 2530.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Dorothy Chim
for Commissioner for Transport
