Tree Risk Assessment Forms

C.C. Kan根據公開資料要求食物及衞生局披露資料

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The authority would like to / has responded by postal mail to this request.

Dear Food and Environmental Hygiene Department,

I write to request the Tree Risk Assessment Forms 1 and 2 filed since 2015 regarding the tree growing on the external wall of Mui Fong Street Public Toilet.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan


Our Ref.:        ( 4 ) in L/M (6584) to FEHD BAS 6-5/5/1
Tel. No.:         2867 5513
Fax No.:        2521 7261

Mr. / Ms. C. C. KAN
Email: [FOI #326 email]

Dear Sir/Madam,
Application for Access to Information
        I refer to your application for access to information received on
7 November 2018.

        We are processing your application and shall revert to you as soon
as possible.  For enquiries, please contact the undersigned at 2867 5513.

Yours sincerely,

(Mike WU)
for Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene


Our Ref.:        ( 5 ) in L/M (6584) to FEHD BAS 6-5/5/1
Tel. No.:         2867 5513
Fax No.:        2521 7261

Mr. / Ms. C. C. KAN
Email: [FOI #326 email]

Dear Sir/Madam,
Application for Access to Information
        I refer to your application for access to information received on
7 November 2018, and our acknowledgement on 16 November 2018.

        In connection with your request, copies of the reports in relation
to tree inspections during 2015 to September 2018 (comprising 105 pages in
total) are made ready for your collection at a total charge of HK$136.5
($1.3 per page), being the charge for reproducing the documents in
accordance with paragraph 1.24 of the Code on Access to Information.
 Please note that third parties information contained in the above
mentioned documents have been omitted in accordance with section 20 of the
Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.  

        If you wish to collect the above documents, please bring along
this letter and settle payment at the Pay Office of the Food and
Environmental Hygiene Department at 42/F, Queensway Government Offices, 66
Queensway, Hong Kong during the following hours:
        Monday to Friday:        8:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
        2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
(Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays)

        After payment, please contact Ms. MA Miu-yuen at Room 4202, 42/F,
Queensway Government Offices and present this letter, the payment receipt
and your HKID card for collection of the requested documents.

        Alternatively, you may also appoint a representative to collect
the requested documents for you.  In this case, your representative is
required to present your authorization letter and a copy of your HKID card
apart from this letter and the payment slip when collecting the requested

        If you prefer payment by mail, please send a cheque addressed to
"HKSAR Government" to Mr. Mike WU, Executive Officer (Environmental
Hygiene)2, on 42/F, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong.
 Upon confirmation that your cheque is honoured, the requested documents
will be sent to you by registered post.

        If we do not receive your payment within 14 days from the date of
this letter, we shall assume that you do not wish to further pursue the

        For enquiries about the investigation, please contact Mr. HO
Ka-yip, Senior Health Inspector (Cleansing & Pest Control) Central/Western
1, at 2853 2511.  For general enquiries about access to information,
please contact the undersigned at 2867 5513.

Yours sincerely,

(Mike WU)
for Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene

Dear Mr Wu,

Thank you for your update.

As you may be aware, I have made this request for information through a public website designed to share requests made by the public and the replies from the government on the internet. This benefits the public, from having easy access to information provided by the government, and also the government, from having to handle less duplicated requests. It is in line with the objectives of the Code on Access to Information under which this request is made.

I understand that the FEHD is ready to provide me with hard copies of the requested documents. However, this makes it difficult to share the documents on the website, and also increases delivery costs. May I ask if the FEHD is able to provide me with a PDF file containing the requested documents?

Yours sincerely,

C.C. Kan


Our Ref.:        ( 7 ) in L/M (6584) to FEHD BAS 6-5/5/1
Tel. No.:         2867 5513
Fax No.:        2521 7261

Mr. / Ms. C. C. KAN
Email: [FOI #326 email]

Dear Sir/Madam,
Application for Access to Information
        I refer to your application for access to information received on
7 November 2018, and our reply on 23 November 2018.  You further request
vide your email of 27 November 2018, for the documents in soft copy.

        Please be informed that the a scanned copy of the requested
documents in PDF format could be provided to you by email, subject to your
payment mentioned in our previous reply on 23 November 2018.  (Note)

        For general enquiries about access to information, please contact
the undersigned at 2867 5513.

Yours sincerely,

(Mike WU)
for Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene

Note: With reference to FAQ No. 6 of Code on Access to Information
([1], Applicants are
required to pay the standard charge regardless of whether the required
documents are obtained by the applicants in person or by their
representatives or sent by post, by local fax or despatched by any other


Visible links

Dear Mr Wu,

Thanks for agreeing to provide a soft copy of the requested documents.

A cheque for the charge of reproducing the documents is being mailed to you today.

Yours faithfully,

C.C. Kan