YMT Carpark Resettlement Plan
Dear Transport and Housing Bureau (Transport Matters),
I understand that the government plans to demolish the Yau Ma Tei Carpark Building to make way for the Central Kowloon Link project. In connection, I request the following information:
- Documents on the resettlement plan for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Sub-office Hong Kong
The UNHCR is currently on the 10/F of the carpark building, but the Legco papers have not mentioned the plan for its resettlement.
Yours faithfully,
C.C. Kan
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Transport and Housing Bureau
Dear C. C. Kan,
Your email of 21 July 2017 on the captioned subject is well received.
Regarding your request for the documents on the resettlement plan for the
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Sub-office Hong
Kong, please be advised that we do not possess such information as the
Sub-office is not a government facility. You may wish to contact the
organization directly for more details.
Yours sincerely,
(Jocelyn Ng)
for Secretary for Transport and Housing