Dear Bernardo,
I refer to your request for access to information no. 439/23. Further to
our interim reply dated 26 October 2023, our reply is as fo...
Dear Bernardo,
Thank you for your application for access to information dated 18.8.2023.
As the information requested is under the purview of the E...
Dear Sir,
I refer to your email dated 20.12.2022 requesting the number of
valid and invalid votes of the 2022 Legislative Council Election C...
本署檔號:(38) in LD SMOMI/6-5/4, Lands 38/23
回覆: 全港地名記錄
2. 閣下可透過香港政府推出的「空間數據共...
Dear Bernardo,
Thank you for your application dated 16 January 2023 seeking
access to the information on amendments to the final register (“...
Dear Bernardo,
Thank you for your email dated 20 January 2023.
The requested information can be searched via “Members Database” on the
None made.