Dear Ms Tsang,
Thank you for your email dated 5 January 2021.
Please find below the statistics provided by the Hospital Authority (HA)
Dear Miss Tsang,
I refer to your request for Access to Information on 18 November 2020.
Based on the information available to us, the requested info...
Our ref. : IL/00006445/21, ImmD/RM/6-5/10/2020/689 [Carissa Tsang]
Dear Ms. Tsang,
We refer to your application for access to information o...
Dear Miss Tsang,
I refer to your request for access to information on 2 November 2020. In
consultation with the Immigration Department (“ImmD”) and...
Dear Ms. Tsang,
Our department has received your application for access to information on
18.11.2020. Your application is now under processing. Ac...
Our ref. : ImmD RM/6-5/10/2020/647(R)
Dear Ms Tsang,
I refer to your application for access to information submitted on 3
November 2020 an...
Dear Carissa,
The information you requested is attached -
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Oliver Lam
(for Secretary for Security)
Tel: 2810 2327...
Dear Carissa,
Code on Access to Information
Application No. 83/2020
I refer to your application under the Code on Access to Information
received on...
Dear Ms Tsang,
Regarding your email dated 21.10.2020, please refer to the
attachment for our reply.
Yours sincerely,
Ms Kristy LAM
Dear Ms Tsang,
I refer to your email of 9 October 2020 requesting for provision of
information on the number of appeals/petitions ("appeals") handle...
Dear Carissa TSANG,
Code on Access to Information - Application No. 161/2020
I refer to your email dated 24 September 2020, enquiring on th...
Dear Miss Tsang,
I refer to your request for Access to Information on 20 August 2020. In
consultation with the Immigration Department, the informat...
Dear Carissa,
Code on Access to Information
Application No. 63/2020
I refer to your application under the Code on Access to Information dated
28 Au...
Dear Ms Tsang,
I refer to your email of 17 July 2020 and provide the required statistics
on non-refoulement claimants for the recent three school ye...
None made.