Our Ref: L/M (7) to EOC/CR/POL/13
Tel No: 2106 2165
Fax No: 2511 8224
To: Mr Jack LAU
By email: [FOI #455 email]
Dear Mr LAU,
Thank you for your em...
Private and Confidential
Dear Mr LAU,
Thank you for your email below dated 27 February 2020.
The statistics you requested do not exist. Prof Reyes’...
Dear Mr Lau,
Your email of 23 January 2020 requesting access to the advisory and
allocation letters of the Planning Exercise for the 2016-19 trienniu...
Dear Mr Lau,
I refer to your email of 26 January to the Chief Executive’s
Office requesting for an electronic copy of the Chief Executive’s...
None made.