Dear Ms CHAN,
Thank you for your email dated 4 October 2018.
Civil Service Bureau has not published any manuals on “civil service
procedure” since t...
Dear Mr. CHAN.
Your email on 1 October 2018 is receiving our attention with the following
The requested information of establishment of the...
Dear Mr. Chan,
Your reply dated 2018-09-28 refer. Please see the attached information
for your request. Hope that will be useful to you. Thank yo...
Dear Mr. CHAN.
Your email on 16 August 2018 is receiving our attention with the following
The requested information of establishment of the...
Dear Mr Chan,
Your email dated 2018-08-13 refers.
As at 2017-12-31, the establishment and strength for gazetted officers are
446 and 464 (which in...
Dear Mr Chan,
Thank you for your enquiry.
2. According to the Weapons Ordinance (Chapter 217, Laws of Hong
Kong) any person who has...
None made.