Transport Department

A public authority

61 requests
Request for access of TCS 2011 data
Response by Transport Department to CM on .

Long overdue.

Dear CM, I refer to your application dated 22 Dec 2023 requesting the associated databases on Travel Characteristics Survey (TCS) 2011 and 2022 for...
Dear Mingyuan, I refer to your application dated 29 Nov 2023 requesting the associated databases on Travel Characteristics Survey (TCS) 2011 for you...
Driving licence by gender and past record
Response by Transport Department to Bernardo on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Bernardo, I refer to your request for access to information no. 439/23.  Further to our interim reply dated 26 October 2023, our reply is as fo...
Accessing Transport Characteristics Survey data
Response by Transport Department to 市民O on .

Awaiting classification.

I am out of the office from 01/11/2023 02:15 PM until 01/11/2023 05:30 PM. I will respond your message when I return to the office. Note: This is a...
Database for the Travel Characteristics Survey 2011
Response by Transport Department to Juliana Gamez on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Juliana, I refer to your application dated 12 October 2023 requesting the associated databases on Travel Characteristics Survey (TCS) 2011 for...
Dear Jack, I refer to your request for access to information no. 403/23.  Further to our interim reply dated 5 October 2023, our reply is as follows...
Request for TCS 2011 Database
Follow up sent to Transport Department by Rong on .

Awaiting internal review.

I have received the database and here with my sincerest thanks for your effort. Here is a small question, I have read the OM file but still confused...
Traffic flow data on each road on 19th Oct 2016
Response by Transport Department to Jack Lo on .

Long overdue.

Dear Jack, I refer to your request for access to information no. 401/23.  Further to our interim reply dated 5 October 2023, our reply is as follows...
Motorcycle parking spaces in Kowloon and New Territories
Response by Transport Department to JLeung on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Sir/Madam, I refer to your request for access to information no. 311/23.  Further to our interim reply dated 11 August 2023, our reply is as fo...
Font Files for Road Signs in Hong Kong
Response by Transport Department to William Gosling on .

Handled by postal mail.

Dear Mr GOSLING, I refer to your request for access to information no. 314/23.  Further to our interim reply dated 11 August 2023, our reply is as f...
Scale of Fares
Response by Transport Department to Winston on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Sir/Madam, I refer to your request for access to information no. 303/23.  Further to our interim reply dated 9 August 2023, our reply is as fol...
Response by Transport Department to Winston on .

Awaiting classification.

先生/女士︰ 有關你的《公開資料守則》申請 302/23,繼本署於2023年8月9日給你的簡覆,現回 覆如下: 各專營巴士公司於1980年至今的車費等級表已刊登於政府憲報,市民可於以下渠道查 閱: 政府物流服務署網頁(2000年5月19日和以後的憲報) [1]https://www...
MTR route
Response by Transport Department to EW on .

Waiting clarification.

Dear Sir/Madam, I refer to your request for access to information no. 022/23 and my emails dated 26 January and 7 February 2023. Up till now, we h...
Request for access to TCS 2011 Database
Response by Transport Department to EW on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Sir/ Madam, I refer to your email dated 19 January 2023 requesting the associated databases on Travel Characteristics Survey (TCS) 2011 for you...
Dear Sir/ Madam, Our department has received your request for access to information on 6 January 2023.  Our reply is as follows: The Transport Dep...
Request sent to Transport Department by David Lam on .

Long overdue.

I would like to request for a updated version of TPDM Yours faithfully, David Lam
Data about traffic characteristics based on gender
Response by Transport Department to Eliane Wang on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Mr/Ms Wang, I refer to your email dated 21.10.2021.  Further to our interim reply on 29.10.2021, our reply is provided as follows. The databa...
Data about traffic characteristics based on gender
Response by Transport Department to Eliane Wang on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Mr/Ms Wang, I refer to your email dated 21.10.2021.  Further to our interim reply on 29.10.2021, our reply is provided as follows. The databa...
Data about traffic characteristics based on gender
Response by Transport Department to Eliane Wang on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Mr/Ms Wang, I refer to your email dated 21.10.2021.  Further to our interim reply on 29.10.2021, our reply is provided as follows. The databa...
Same names for different bus stops
Response by Transport Department to Simon Wang on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Mr Wang, I refer to your email dated 2.8.2021.  Our reply is as follows. For Q3 We do not have a separate inventory for bus stops sharing the...
謝謝你的電郵。 為配合政府最新公布的政府僱員特別工作安排,以大幅減少社區的人流和社交接觸,阻止病毒進一步在社區傳播, 1823現時只提供有限度服務,以便集中處理與疫情及環境衛生有關的來電。1823暫時不處理電郵、手機應用程式、電子表格、文字短訊等文字來函,直至另行通知。如需協助,請致電1823或參閱1...
Dear George, I refer to your application on 25 November 2020.  The distribution of boardings by transport mode by regional movement is listed in the...

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