Dear Sophie,
I refer to your application for access to information on 11.7.2024 and our
interim reply to you on 19.7.2024. Please be informed that...
Dear Ms PENG,
I refer to your application dated 17 July 2024 requesting the associated
databases on Travel Characteristics Survey (TCS) 2022 for your...
Dear Lee,
Your application is well-received. We are now processing your
application. Thank you.
Security Bureau
Dear Sir/Madam,
I refer to your email of 7 June 2024 submitting a request for information
under the Code on Access to Information (the Code) to...
I hope this email finds you well.
The Tuidang movement, founded in November 2004, encourages Chinese around
the world to renounce...
Our ref. : L/M (135) in ImmD RALS1/6-20/3/C
Dear David Wilson,
We refer to your request for Access to Information of 26 March 2024 and
申請編號 :RNCD-0000005-24
由於 如果在本處發信日期起計兩星期仍未收到你的回覆,便會終止有關申請,不再...
Dear Mr Wilson,
I refer to my preceding email of 9 April 2024 seeking your clarification
on the term “migrant child” and your consent to transfe...
Dear Mr Fung,
Further to your enquiry dated 6 April 2024, the Hospital Authority Head
Office would like to confirm that “NE9” is denoted as “un-...
I would like to know the unit of the baselevel and rooflevel from the Building.gml. Is it meter as an unit?
Yours faithfully,
Ken Tang
Dear Mr Wilson,
As stated in our reply on 20 November 2023, the information requested in
your question “What documents are issued to children wh...
Our ref.: IL/00186837/24, L/M (133) in ImmD RALS1/6-20/3/C
Dear Jade Anderson,
We refer to your application for access to information of 26...
Dear Paras,
Attached please find the information as requested:
[See attachment "Summary of TIP Information (2018-2023).xlsx"]
Dear Ms. Kelly Leung,
Thank you for your application dated 26.2.2024 seeking access to
information relating to the question whether the data of rive...
Andy Chui,
Dear Sir/Madam,
I refer to your email dated 21 February 2024.
Regarding your three information requests on innovative projects supported...
Dear Allyson,
Thank you for your application dated 4 Feb 2024 seeking access to
information relating to the contracts between the Government of th...
Dear Sir/Madam,
I refer to your three emails dated 29 January 2024 requesting information
relating to three innovative projects supported by the...
Dear Lee,
Further to our interim replies on 18 and 29 Jan 2024, attached
herewith the reply from the Security Bureau. Thank you.
[Our Ref: ATI 10/2024 in AF GR 6-5/2]
Dear Alexis and Lijie,
Thank you for your email dated 24 January 2024. We have no objection to
releasing th...
Andy Chui:
(本署編號:DO EC 0258/24)
Dear Ms Leung
As I do not hear from you by 26.1.2024 (Friday), I will assume that you do
not require LandsD's assistance in transferring your case t...
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This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
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