Dear Mr. Jerome Lizambard,
I refer to your further email of 29.3.2021. Please be informed that the
relevant statistical figures updated to Septembe...
Dear Ms Amador,
Re: Freedom of Information request - Number of foreign domestic helpers
held at Ma Tau Kok Detention Centre
I refer to your reques...
Our Reference: L/M (6) in ImmD CIC/6-5/10 (R)
I refer to your request for access to information on 17 March 2021 and our
Dear Dr Wang,
Thank you for your email dated 16 February 2021. After consulting our
relevant subject team, please find our reply as follows:
To s...
Our Reference: (3) in L/M (501) in ImmD DR/6-5/10/R
Dear Ms Amador,
Re: Freedom of Information request – Number of detainees held at Ma Tau
Kok De...
Dear Dr Wang,
Regarding your request of information, please find our reply in the file
(Ms Wing LAU)
for Director of Health...
Dear Dr Wang,
We refer to your e-mail to the Department of Health dated 9 March 2021,
which was referred to this Bureau for answering Question 3. ...
Dear Dr. Wang,
I refer to your email dated 9 March 2021 regarding an application for Code
on Access to Information. Further to our interim reply dat...
Dear Dr Wang,
Code on Access to Information
Application No. 15/2021
I refer to your application under the Code on Access to Information
received o...
Dear Mr Edmunds,
Thank you for your email.
The University Grants Committee (UGC) and the Research Grants Council
(RGC) are committed to promoting p...
本處檔號: ImmD RM/6-5/10/2021/090(R)
1. 是否只要相關市民事先跟入境處核實永久居民身份,他們就可以只攜帶現在已被
Dear Dr Wang,
Our department has received your follow-up email dated 4 March 2021
seeking the Information about low carbon lifestyle.
I attach our...
Thank you very much for your assistance on this matter.
Kind Regards,
Rachel Li
Our ref.: L/M (17) in DH FPS/6-5 Pt.1
Dear Mr Edmunds,
We refer to your application for access to information dated 22.12.2020 to
the Immigration...
Thank you very much for your assistance on this.
Kind Regards,
Rachel Li
Dear Charlie,
I refer to your request for information under the Code on Access to
information received by the Labour Department on 26 January 2021....
Dear Charlie,
On 29 January 2021, you requested vide email to obtain from Hong
Kong Police Force about police's internal information sharing...
Dear Charlie,
I refer to your application of code on access to information submitted on
12 January 2021. Please be informed that the information re...
Dear Charlie,
I refer to the four applications for access to information submitted by
you on 12 January 2021 to various bureau/departments, including...
Dear Charlie,
Thank you for your e-mail of 4 January 2021. The requested information
and statistics are provided as follows:
The Governme...
Dear Charlie,
We refer to your application for access to information dated 14 January
2021 relating to the information of assessment of Trafficking...
Dear Ms Tsang,
Thank you for your email dated 5 January 2021.
Please find below the statistics provided by the Hospital Authority (HA)
Dear Charlie,
We refer to your e-mail request for information relating to assessment of
trafficking in persons (TIP) cases by the Immigration Departm...
Dear Charlie,
I refer to your application for Access to Information dated 2020-12-23 and
our interim reply dated 2020-12-31. Our reply is appended bel...
Dear Ms YEUNG,
Thank you for your email of 23 December 2020 enquiring information about
the Labour Department (LD)’s work relating to trafficking-in-...