Browse and search requests (page 6)


About 790 FOI requests found

Dear H. Y. Fung, I refer to your request for access to information on the subject dated 10.1.2023 and our interim reply on the same day. The infor...
Dear H. Y. Fung, I refer to your request for access to information on 20 December 2022.  Further to our interim replies of 29 December 2022 and 6 Jan...
Response by Education Bureau to Ken Tang on .


Ken Tang:   根據《公開資料守則》要求索取資料 申請編號:4/2023   本局於2023年1月9日收到你根據《公開資料守則》提出索取資料的申請,現回覆如下 :   閣下提出索取有關小一入學統籌辦法學校網範圍的地理數據資料,可於以下空間數據 共享平台的連結下載...
Dear Sin Kin Chiu, I attached herewith our reply to your application for your retention. If you have any enquiries, please contact me at 2852 4243...
Response by Education Bureau to Peter Lau on .


Peter Lau:   根據《公開資料守則》要求索取資料 申請編號:5/2023   本局於2023年1月10日收到你根據《公開資料守則》提出索取資料的申請,現回覆如 下:   應用教育文憑課程將於2023/24學年開辦,課程相關的電視廣告尚未推出。如對課程 內容有興...
Our Reference: L/M (590) in ImmD DR/6-5/10/R Dear H.Y. FUNG, I hereby provide you with the following information. (1) The number of cases of physi...
Physical confrontations at MTKDC (2020-2022)
Response by Immigration Department to H. Y. Fung on .

Partially successful.

Our Reference: L/M (589) in ImmD DR/6-5/10/R Dear H.Y. FUNG, I hereby provide you with the following information. (1) & (2) The number of cases of...
Our Reference: L/M (585) in ImmD DR/6-5/10/R Dear Gigi LO, I hereby provide you with the following information. In accordance with the Immigration...
Andy Chui: (本署編號:DO EC 2342/22) 就你於2022年12月21日的電郵查詢,衞生署現回覆如下: 經查核後,本署確實提供相關連結( [1]
Response by Department of Health to Patrick Chan on .


陳先生: 謝謝你2022年12月26日寄來申請索取有關新冠疫苗每一次運抵香港的日期和劑量的精 確數字。 截至2022年12月28日,運抵香港的新冠疫苗準確數字詳情如下: 1. 科興疫苗 抵港日期 運抵劑量 19/2/2021 1,000,000 25/3/2021 1,000,0...
HKSAR persons admitted to immigration detention
Response by Immigration Department to H. Y. Fung on .

Partially successful.

Our Reference: L/M (584) in ImmD DR/6-5/10/R Dear H.Y. FUNG, I hereby provide you with the following information. Whilst any detention must be jus...
Does Hong Kong Manipulate the Weather?
Response by Hong Kong Observatory to Allyson van de Pol on .

Partially successful.

Our ref.: HKOG 6/5/1   Dear Allyson van de Pol,   Thank you for your email dated 9 December 2022 to the Hong Kong Observatory.   According...
Detainees at MTKDC in 2021
Response by Immigration Department to H. Y. Fung on .

Partially successful.

Our Reference: L/M (586) in ImmD DR/6-5/10/R Dear H.Y. Fung, I refer to your request for access to information on 24.11.2022 and our interim replie...
Detainees at CIC in 2021
Response by Immigration Department to H. Y. Fung on .

Partially successful.

Our Reference: L/M (11) in ImmD CIC/6-5/10 (R) Pt.7 Dear H.Y. Fung, I refer to your request for access to information on 24 November 2022 and our i...
Our Reference: L/M (12) in ImmD CIC/6-5/10 (R) Pt.7 Dear H.Y. Fung, I refer to your request for access to information on 7 December 2022 and our i...
Dear Sir/ Madam, I refer to your application for access to information under the Code on Access to Information (“the Code”) to this Department on 17...
Phone calls in TTG
Response by Correctional Services Department to Gigi Lo on .


Dear Sir/ Madam, I refer to your application for access to information under the Code on Access to Information (“the Code”) to this Department on 9....
徐先生: 公開資料守則 申請編號:73/2022                                 本署於2022年11月30日收到你的索取資料申請,現回覆如下:         根據衞生署衞生防護中心的資料,截至2022年11月30日 00:00,第5波的死 亡個案包...
Response by Department of Health to Andy Chui on .


徐先生: 公開資料守則 申請編號:72/2022                                 本署於2022年11月30日收到你的索取資料申請,現回覆如下:         根據衞生署衞生防護中心的資料,截至2022年11月2日零時零分,6,298 宗 死亡個案的...
Chan先生:   根據《公開資料守則》要求索取資料 申請編號:120/2022   本局於2022年12月13日收到你根據《公開資料守則》提出索取資料的申請,現回覆如 下:           有關「2022/23學年的全日制經本地評審自資副學位、第一年級學士學位和...
Regarding immigration detainees at TTG
Response by Correctional Services Department to H. Y. Fung on .

Partially successful.

Dear Sir/ Madam, Your email of 5.12.2022 refers. Please be informed that the Correctional Services Department is currently supervising non-refoule...
Our ref. : IL/00789784/22, L/M (4) in ImmD ORS/6-5/2 (C) Pt.4   Dear H. Y. Fung,   I refer to your application for access to information submit...
'Detention' statistic in ImmD Annual Reports
Response by Immigration Department to H. Y. Fung on .

Partially successful.

Our ref. : IL/00785969/22 & L/M (3) in ImmD ORS/6-5/2 (C) Pt.4 Dear H. Y. Fung, I  refer  to  your  application  for  access to information submitt...
Dear Sir/ Madam, I refer to your application for access to information under the Code on Access to Information (“the Code”) to this Department on 28...
Country Park .Shp File
Response by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department to Jon Chung on .

Partially successful.

Dear Jon, Please be advised that the boundaries of country parks in shapefile format only show the approximate boundaries interpreted from the origi...