Advisory Panel on COVID-19 Vaccines – Register of Members’ Interests

Paul Jackson made this Freedom of Information request to Chief Executive's Office

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

The twelve Members, including the Convenor, of the Advisory Panel on COVID-19 Vaccines[1] – and particularly the four “experts with rich experience in public health, epidemiology and clinical aspects” who joined “an expert group to provide professional advice to the Chief Executive and the HKSAR Government”[2] directly or indirectly wield enormous power over the livelihoods and quality of life of all Hong Kong residents.

Please provide information on the twelve Members’:
1. Financial and Other Interests – in particular all sources of funding not directly from the HKSARG “public purse”, including:
a. Remunerated directorships in any public or private company
b. Remunerated Employments, Offices, Trades, Professions, etc
c. Land and property owned in Hong Kong or outside Hong Kong, including those for self-occupation
d. Name of Companies (both listed and unlisted) in which the Member has, to his knowledge, a beneficial interest in shareholdings of a nominal value greater than 1% of the issued share capital
2. Affiliation with Political Parties
3. Membership of Boards, Committees and Organisations which might be construed by members of the public as a declaratory interest, e.g. WHO, GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance etc.

The information should be provided in the same format as the Executive Council’s Register of the President’s and Members’ Interests[3] and should follow the same rules and guidelines that apply to that register.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Jackson.


Chief Executive's Office

This is to acknowledge receipt of your message. Where appropriate, we will
give you a reply. Thank you. (This is generated by an auto-reply

Chief Executive's Office

Chief Executive's Office

Dear Paul,

I refer to your preceding email of 13 August 2021 and wish to advise you
that the information requested is held by the Food and Health Bureau .  I
would like to seek your consent for us to transfer your request and
personal information to them for their direct response.  Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Cherie CHAN
Access to Information Officer
Chief Executive’s Office

From:        Paul Jackson <[FOI #713 email]>
To:        "FOI requests at Chief Executive&#39;s Office" <[Chief Executive&#39;s Office request email]>
Date:        13/08/2021 13:06
Subject:        Freedom of Information request - Advisory Panel on
COVID-19 Vaccines – Register of Members’ Interests


Dear Sir or Madam,

The twelve Members, including the Convenor, of  the Advisory Panel on
COVID-19 Vaccines[1]  – and particularly the four “experts with rich
experience in public health, epidemiology and clinical aspects” who joined
“an expert group to provide professional advice to the Chief Executive and
the HKSAR Government”[2]  directly or indirectly wield enormous power over
the livelihoods and quality of life of all Hong Kong residents.

Please provide information on the twelve Members’:

1.                 Financial and Other Interests – in particular all
sources of funding not directly from the HKSARG “public purse”, including:

a.                 Remunerated directorships in any public or private

b.                 Remunerated Employments, Offices, Trades, Professions,

c.                 Land and property owned in Hong Kong or outside Hong
Kong, including those for self-occupation

d.                 Name of Companies (both listed and unlisted) in which
the Member has, to his knowledge, a beneficial interest in shareholdings
of a nominal value greater than 1% of the issued share capital

2.                 Affiliation with Political Parties

3.                 Membership of Boards, Committees and Organisations
which might be construed by members of the public as a declaratory
interest, e.g.  WHO, GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance etc.

The information should be provided in the same format as the Executive
Council’s Register of the President’s and Members’ Interests[3]  and
should follow the same rules and guidelines that apply to that register.

Yours faithfully,

Paul Jackson.


[2] [2]

[3] [3]


This is a request under the Code of Access to Information facilitated via
the website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[FOI #713 email]

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Dear Cherie,

Thank you for your response.

Yes, please do transfer my request and personal contact details to the Food and Health Bureau for their handling and response.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Jackson.

Chief Executive's Office

This is to acknowledge receipt of your message. Where appropriate, we will
give you a reply. Thank you. (This is generated by an auto-reply

Chief Executive's Office

Chief Executive's Office

Dear Paul,
The Food and Health Bureau (FHB) is processing your application under the
Code on Access to Information on 20 August 2021. As we need more time to
collate a reply to your questions, a reply will be provided on or before 8
October 2021.
Thank you for your understanding. Should you wish to contact us regarding
your enquiries, please feel free to contact us by e-mail at
[1][電郵地址] .

(Ricky LEUNG)
Food and Health Bureau

----- Forwarded by Enquiry FHB/FHB/HKSARG on 10/09/21 05:14 PM -----

From:        Enquiry FHB/FHB/HKSARG
To:        foi [電郵地址],
Date:        09/09/21 04:35 PM
Subject:        Re: Freedom of Information request - Advisory Panel on
COVID-19 Vaccines – Register of Members’ Interests


Dear Paul,
The Food and Health Bureau (FHB) is processing your application under the
Code on Access to Information on 20 August 2021. As we need more time to
collate a reply to your questions, a reply will be provided on or before 8
October 2021.
Thank you for your understanding. Should you wish to contact us regarding
your enquiries, please feel free to contact us by e-mail at
[2][電郵地址] .

(Ricky LEUNG)
Food and Health Bureau

From: Enquiry FHB [[3]mailto:[電郵地址]]
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2021 5:58 PM
To: foi request-713-39e70609 <[4][電郵地址]>
Subject: Re: Freedom of Information request - Advisory Panel on COVID-19
Vaccines – Register of Members’ Interests
Dear Paul,
The Food and Health Bureau (FHB) has received your application under the
Code on Access to Information on 20 August 2021.  Your application is now
under processing.  
According to paragraph 1.16 of the Code on Access to Information, you will
be informed of the latest progress of the case separately on or before 9
September 2021.  
In the meantime, please contact us by e-mail at [5][電郵地址] if
you have any enquiry.  Thank you.
(Ricky LEUNG)
Food and Health Bureau
From:       foi [6][電郵地址]
To:        "FOI requests at Chief Executive&#39;s Office"
Date:        13/08/2021 13:06
Subject:        Freedom of Information request - Advisory Panel on
COVID-19 Vaccines – Register of Members’ Interests


Dear Sir or Madam,

The twelve Members, including the Convenor, of  the Advisory Panel on
COVID-19 Vaccines[1]  – and particularly the four “experts with rich
experience in public health, epidemiology and clinical aspects” who joined
“an expert group to provide professional advice to the Chief Executive and
the HKSAR Government”[2]  directly or indirectly wield enormous power over
the livelihoods and quality of life of all Hong Kong residents.

Please provide information on the twelve Members’:

1.                 Financial and Other Interests – in particular all
sources of funding not directly from the HKSARG “public purse”, including:

a.                 Remunerated directorships in any public or private

b.                 Remunerated Employments, Offices, Trades, Professions,

c.                 Land and property owned in Hong Kong or outside Hong
Kong, including those for self-occupation

d.                 Name of Companies (both listed and unlisted) in which
the Member has, to his knowledge, a beneficial interest in shareholdings
of a nominal value greater than 1% of the issued share capital

2.                 Affiliation with Political Parties

3.                 Membership of Boards, Committees and Organisations
which might be construed by members of the public as a declaratory
interest, e.g.  WHO, GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance etc.

The information should be provided in the same format as the Executive
Council’s Register of the President’s and Members’ Interests[3]  and
should follow the same rules and guidelines that apply to that register.

Yours faithfully,



[2] [9]

[3] [10]


This is a request under the Code of Access to Information facilitated via
the website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:


Is [12][行政長官辦公室總務室供索取資料的電郵] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to Chief Executive&#39;s Office? If so, please contact us using
this form:


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the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:


If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
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7. mailto:[行政長官辦公室總務室供索取資料的電郵]
11. mailto:[索取資料要求電郵#713]
12. mailto:[行政長官辦公室總務室供索取資料的電郵]

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Chief Executive's Office

1 Attachment

Dear Paul,
I refer to your request for information under the Code on Access to
Information dated 13 August 2021 to the Chief Executive’s Office on
Declaration of Interests made by members of the Advisory Panel on COVID-19
Vaccines (the Advisory Panel).
With your consent, the request has been referred to this Bureau on 20
August 2021 for a reply. I am authorised to reply as follows.
​The Government published the Prevention and Control of Disease (Use of
Vaccines) Regulation (Cap. 599K) (the Regulation) in the Gazette on 23
December 2020, which provides the legal framework under the present state
of public health emergency to bring in COVID-19 vaccines which satisfy the
criteria of safety, efficacy and quality for emergency use.
The Regulation empowers the Secretary for Food and Health to, based on the
objective clinical data of a COVID-19 vaccine (including third phase
clinical research data), with reference to the expert advice of an
independent advisory panel and having regard to the approval given by a
regulatory authority in a place outside Hong Kong that performs the
function of approving pharmaceutical products (including emergency use),
after being assessed as safe and effective based on science, and with
evidence supporting its quality, authorize and allow the specified use of
the relevant COVID-19 vaccine in Hong Kong under the emergency situation.
The Government has set up the Advisory Panel, with members appointed by
the Chief Executive. The Advisory Panel provides expert advice on
recommendation of authorization of the vaccines to the Government, which
is made available for public information.
According to the meeting procedures endorsed by the Advisory Panel,
members shall report/declare any actual/potential/perceived conflict of
interests related to applications for authorisation of vaccines under the
Regulation. The relevant declarations are attached at Annex for your
[See attachment "Annex.pdf"]
With a view to strengthening the transparency of information regarding
vaccines, the expert advice on vaccines given by the Advisory Panel has
been uploaded to the website of the Food and Health Bureau
Please contact us by e-mail at [2][email address] if you have any
enquiry. Thank you.
(Ricky LEUNG)
Food and Health Bureau

From: Enquiry FHB [[3]mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2021 10:41 AM
To: Paul Jackson <[FOI #713 email]>
Subject: [Re-sent] Re: Freedom of Information request - Advisory Panel on
COVID-19 Vaccines – Register of Members’ Interests
Dear Paul,
The Food and Health Bureau (FHB) is processing your application under the
Code on Access to Information on 20 August 2021. As we need more time to
collate a reply to your questions, a reply will be provided on or before 8
October 2021.
Thank you for your understanding. Should you wish to contact us regarding
your enquiries, please feel free to contact us by e-mail at
[4][email address] .

(Ricky LEUNG)
Food and Health Bureau

----- Forwarded by Enquiry FHB/FHB/HKSARG on 10/09/21 05:14 PM -----
From:        Enquiry FHB/FHB/HKSARG
To:        foi [5][email address],
Date:        09/09/21 04:35 PM
Subject:        Re: Freedom of Information request - Advisory Panel on
COVID-19 Vaccines – Register of Members’ Interests


Dear Paul,
The Food and Health Bureau (FHB) is processing your application under the
Code on Access to Information on 20 August 2021. As we need more time to
collate a reply to your questions, a reply will be provided on or before 8
October 2021.
Thank you for your understanding. Should you wish to contact us regarding
your enquiries, please feel free to contact us by e-mail at
[6][email address] .

(Ricky LEUNG)
Food and Health Bureau

From: Enquiry FHB [[7]mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2021 5:58 PM
To: foi request-713-39e70609 <[8][email address]>
Subject: Re: Freedom of Information request - Advisory Panel on COVID-19
Vaccines – Register of Members’ Interests
Dear Paul,
The Food and Health Bureau (FHB) has received your application under the
Code on Access to Information on 20 August 2021.  Your application is now
under processing.  
According to paragraph 1.16 of the Code on Access to Information, you will
be informed of the latest progress of the case separately on or before 9
September 2021.  
In the meantime, please contact us by e-mail at [9][email address] if
you have any enquiry.  Thank you.
(Ricky LEUNG)
Food and Health Bureau
From:       foi [10][email address]
To:        "FOI requests at Chief Executive&#39;s Office"
<[11][Chief Executive&#39;s Office request email]>
Date:        13/08/2021 13:06
Subject:        Freedom of Information request - Advisory Panel on
COVID-19 Vaccines – Register of Members’ Interests


Dear Sir or Madam,

The twelve Members, including the Convenor, of  the Advisory Panel on
COVID-19 Vaccines[1]  – and particularly the four “experts with rich
experience in public health, epidemiology and clinical aspects” who joined
“an expert group to provide professional advice to the Chief Executive and
the HKSAR Government”[2]  directly or indirectly wield enormous power over
the livelihoods and quality of life of all Hong Kong residents.

Please provide information on the twelve Members’:

1.                 Financial and Other Interests – in particular all
sources of funding not directly from the HKSARG “public purse”, including:

a.                 Remunerated directorships in any public or private

b.                 Remunerated Employments, Offices, Trades, Professions,

c.                 Land and property owned in Hong Kong or outside Hong
Kong, including those for self-occupation

d.                 Name of Companies (both listed and unlisted) in which
the Member has, to his knowledge, a beneficial interest in shareholdings
of a nominal value greater than 1% of the issued share capital

2.                 Affiliation with Political Parties

3.                 Membership of Boards, Committees and Organisations
which might be construed by members of the public as a declaratory
interest, e.g.  WHO, GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance etc.

The information should be provided in the same format as the Executive
Council’s Register of the President’s and Members’ Interests[3]  and
should follow the same rules and guidelines that apply to that register.

Yours faithfully,



[2] [13]

[3] [14]


This is a request under the Code of Access to Information facilitated via
the website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[15][FOI #713 email]

Is [16][Chief Executive&#39;s Office request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to Chief Executive&#39;s Office? If so, please contact us using
this form:


Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:


If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.



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4. mailto:[email address]
5. mailto:[email address]
6. mailto:[email address]
7. mailto:[email address]
8. mailto:[email address]
9. mailto:[email address]
10. mailto:[email address]
11. mailto:[Chief Executive&#39;s Office request email]
15. mailto:[FOI #713 email]
16. mailto:[Chief Executive&#39;s Office request email]

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