detailed engineering condition of GLA-HK 835

Rachel Tam made this Freedom of Information request to Lands Department

Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was successful.

Dear Lands Department,

I would be very grateful if you could advise the detailed engineering condition of GLA-HK 835 - which the site is Hung Sing Street Rest Garden.

Much appreciated for your kind assistance.

Yours faithfully,
Rachel Tam

Lands Department

Dear Rachel,

Code on Access to Information (“the Code”)
Application No. Lands 45/23

I refer to your enquiry received by this department on 15.3.2023.

Please be advised that your application is being handled by the
undersigned. I refer to your enquiry that you would like this department
to “advise the detailed engineering condition of GLA-HK 835”. Please
confirm if you would like to have the document of the engineering
condition. Thanks.

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me.


Jerry IP
Lands Department
Tel.: 2835 1639

----- Forwarded by Carol SHUM/DAO/LANDSD/HKSARG on 16/03/2023 09:20 -----

From:        Rachel Tam <[FOI #1331 email]>
To:        公開資料 requests at 地政總署 <[Lands Department request email]>
Date:        15/03/2023 18:22
Subject:        公開資料 request - detailed engineering condition of
GLA-HK 835


Dear Lands Department,

I would be very grateful if you could advise the detailed engineering
condition of GLA-HK 835 - which the site is Hung Sing Street Rest Garden.

Much appreciated for your kind assistance.

Yours faithfully,
Rachel Tam


This is a request under the Code of Access to Information facilitated via
the website.

[FOI #1331 email]

Is [Lands Department request email] the wrong address for 公開資料 requests to 地政總署?
If so, please contact us using this form:





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Dear Mr. Jerry IP (Lands Department),

I confirm that I would like to have the documents related to engineering conditions at GLA-HK 835. Thank you very much!

Yours faithfully,
Rachel Tam

Lands Department

Dear Rachel,

Code on Access to Information (“the Code”)
Application No. Lands 45/23

        I refer to your email dated 16.3.2023. enquiry received by this
department on 15.3.2023.

2.        Please be advised that we have received your reply and will get
back to you shortly.  Thanks.


Jerry IP
Lands Department
Tel.: 2835 1639

From:        Rachel Tam <[FOI #1331 email]>
To:        FOI requests at Lands Department <[Lands Department request email]>
Date:        16/03/2023 17:42
Subject:        Re: Fw: (Lands 45/23) Fw: Fw: 公開資料 request - detailed
engineering condition of GLA-HK 835


Dear Mr. Jerry IP (Lands Department),

I confirm that I would like to have the documents related to engineering
conditions at GLA-HK 835. Thank you very much!

Yours faithfully,

Rachel Tam

-----Original Message-----

Dear Rachel,

Code on Access to Information (“the Code”)

Application No. Lands 45/23

I refer to your enquiry received by this department on 15.3.2023.

Please be advised that your application is being handled by the

undersigned. I refer to your enquiry that you would like this department

to “advise the detailed engineering condition of GLA-HK 835”. Please

confirm if you would like to have the document of the engineering

condition. Thanks.

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me.


Jerry IP


Lands Department

Tel.: 2835 1639


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[FOI #1331 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:


If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.



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Dear Jerry,

Thank you and I will wait for your reply.

Yours faithfully,
Rachel Tam

Lands Department

1 Attachment

Dear Rachel,

Please be advised that the requested document is ready to be obtained
subject to your settlement of the attached demand notes. You are advised
to provide us the receipt for the demand note Meanwhile, please advise if
you could like to collect the document via email or post.


Jerry IP
Lands Department
Tel.: 2835 1639

From:        Jerry Kwong Wing IP/LAO/LANDSD/HKSARG
To:        [FOI #1331 email]
Date:        20/03/2023 11:37
Subject:        Re: Fw: (Lands 45/23) Fw: Fw: 公開資料 request - detailed
engineering condition of GLA-HK 835


Dear Rachel,

Code on Access to Information (“the Code”)
Application No. Lands 45/23

        I refer to your email dated 16.3.2023. enquiry received by this
department on 15.3.2023.

2.        Please be advised that we have received your reply and will get
back to you shortly.  Thanks.


Jerry IP
Lands Department
Tel.: 2835 1639

From:        Rachel Tam <[FOI #1331 email]>
To:        FOI requests at Lands Department <[Lands Department request email]>
Date:        16/03/2023 17:42
Subject:        Re: Fw: (Lands 45/23) Fw: Fw: 公開資料 request - detailed
engineering condition of GLA-HK 835


Dear Mr. Jerry IP (Lands Department),

I confirm that I would like to have the documents related to engineering
conditions at GLA-HK 835. Thank you very much!

Yours faithfully,

Rachel Tam

-----Original Message-----

Dear Rachel,

Code on Access to Information (“the Code”)

Application No. Lands 45/23

I refer to your enquiry received by this department on 15.3.2023.

Please be advised that your application is being handled by the

undersigned. I refer to your enquiry that you would like this department

to “advise the detailed engineering condition of GLA-HK 835”. Please

confirm if you would like to have the document of the engineering

condition. Thanks.

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me.


Jerry IP


Lands Department

Tel.: 2835 1639


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[FOI #1331 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:


If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.



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Dear Jerry,

Thank you for your reply.
Please note that the payment is settled via FPS just now.

Yours faithfully,
Rachel Tam

Dear Jerry ,

Thank you for your prompt reply.

Yours faithfully,
Rachel Tam