Test Results of Drinking Water Samples 食水化驗結果

stranbusel made this Freedom of Information request to Housing Department

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

This request has had an unusual response, and requires attention from the accessinfo.hk team.

Dear Housing Department,

I would like to request the information about the test results of drinking water samples from all public housing units in Hong Kong.

1. How many tests of drinking water samples has the Department conducted over the past 5 years?

2. Among all these tests, how many water samples fail to meet the World Health Organisation (WHO) standard?

3. For each water sample which fails to meet the WHO standard, which housing estate is involved? What is/are the safety concern(s)?



1. 過去五年,房屋署進行了多少食水化驗測試?

2. 在這些測試中,有多少食水樣本未能符合世界衞生組織(世衞)的標準?

3. 就各個未符世衞標準的食水樣本而言,食水樣本涉及哪個屋邨?該樣本有甚麼安全隱患?

Yours faithfully,

Dear Housing Department,

Please respond to my Request for Access to Information ASAP.



Yours faithfully,
