Crime statistics for Marine Region
Dear Hong Kong Police Force Marine Region,
Can you please provide statistics on numbers of arrests each year from 2005-2016 in your region? If you have statistics on numbers arrested for human trafficking, and any breakdowns on what proportion of these non-refoulement claimants
(or if you don't have that form 8 holders, or if you don't have that, non-ethnic Chinese) that would be great.
Yours faithfully,
Scott Edmunds
Dear Hong Kong Police Force Marine Region,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Hong Kong Police Force Marine Region's handling of my FOI request 'Crime statistics for Marine Region'.
I applied for data in October for crime statistics and I've still not received them. By law, under all circumstances, the authority should have responded by now. Please respond to my request or I will have to go to the Ombudsman.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Scott Edmunds
Dear Mr. Edmunds
Your request for statistics was received on 2017-03-02. We did not have
arrest data between 2005 and 2008, and the arrest data for Form.8 holders.
Please see below table for the arrest data:
Year No of arrestees for No. of arrestees No. of arrestees for
criminal offences (Non-ethic Chinese illegal S.37D of Cap 115
immigrants) for criminal
2009 244 0 17
2010 149 4 10
2011 157 0 5
2012 210 0 4
2013 172 2 1
2014 128 1 5
2015 131 4 4
2016 105 1 5
Best Regards,
YIU Lee-kwan, Thusia
Tel : 3660 8761
Fax : 2886 4719
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Dear Hong Kong Police Force Marine Region,
Thanks for providing these statistics, although the formatting of the table is a little hard to read in this email. Can you provide them in a PDF or email them directly to me at [email address]?
Yours faithfully,
Scott Edmunds
Dear Mr. Edmunds,
Your email dated 2 March 2017 refers.
After receiving your request, the crime statistics of Marine Region was
provided to you on 7 March 2017. An initial inquiry was also conducted
which revealed that the sent e-mail did not appear in the inbox of the
subject officer due to some technical problems. Afterwards, our IT
department has been informed of the problem and accordingly, the email
system functions well now.
Sorry for all the inconvenience caused and your constructive feedback will
definitely enhance our services to the public.
LAU King-lun, Alan
Tel. 3660 8830
M. 60721995
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Dear Hong Kong Police Force Marine Region,
Apologies I may not have been clear enough, but I can't read the table you provided me with the crime statistics. This application is messing the formatting for the email so I can tell what these four columns are supposed to represent:
2009 244 0 17
2010 149 4 10
2011 157 0 5
2012 210 0 4
2013 172 2 1
2014 128 1 5
2015 131 4 4
2016 105 1 5
Can you send me this as a pdf or to my email address ([email address]).
Best wishes,
Yours faithfully,
Scott Edmunds
Dear Mr. Edmunds
We did not have arrest data between 2005 and 2008, and the arrest data for
Form.8 holders.
Please see attached file for the arrest data
Best Regards,
YIU Lee-kwan, Thusia
Tel : 3660 8761
Fax : 2886 4719
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----- Forwarded by ip-sip-riu-mar/crm-mar/STATION/POLICE/HKSARG on
2017-03-17 10:17 -----
2017-03-17 09:31 Subject [RESTRICTED] Fw: Internal review of Freedom of
Information request - Crime statistics for
Marine Region
Dear Thusia,
The preceding email is forwarded for your necessary action please.
Judy Kwok
Tel: 3660 8838
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----- Forwarded by rseo-mar/MAR/STATION/POLICE/HKSARG on 2017-03-17 09:30
Scott Edmunds To: FOI requests at Hong
<[FOI #131 email]> Kong Police Force Marine
<[Hong Kong Police Force Marine Region request email]>
2017-03-16 19:11 Cc:
Subject: Re: Internal review of
Freedom of Information
Reference: request - Crime
statistics for Marine
Dear Hong Kong Police Force Marine Region,
Apologies I may not have been clear enough, but I can't read the table you
provided me with the crime statistics. This application is messing the
formatting for the email so I can tell what these four columns are
supposed to represent:
2009 244 0 17
2010 149 4 10
2011 157 0 5
2012 210 0 4
2013 172 2 1
2014 128 1 5
2015 131 4 4
2016 105 1 5
Can you send me this as a pdf or to my email address
([email address]).
Best wishes,
Yours faithfully,
Scott Edmunds