Food nutrient finder data

Rob Davidson根據公開資料要求食物及衞生局披露資料

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.


Dear Food and Environmental Hygiene Department,

I have been browsing the Food Nutrient Finder and Food Nutrient Calculator on the Centre for Food Safety website. I note that the data is collated from a variety of sources and that the source is provided on the information page for each entry. Given that legislation changes over time, it would also be useful to have the date that the source was interrogated.

For my analysis, it would be helpful to have the full list of all food items in the database and the source their information was obtained from.

I therefore request a list of all food items in the Centre for Food Safety's database, matched with the source of information and the date that the information was obtained.

As some of the nutrient calculations are carried out by the Centre for Food Safety, it would be of public interest to be able to view the metadata for these studies such as date, number of samples, sources of samples etc.

I therefore also request a copy of the Centre for Food Safety's records on the food items they have analysed.

I thank you for your time taken in this matter.

Yours faithfully,

Rob Davidson


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Food and Health Bureau
HKSAR Government

(This message is an auto-reply generated by the email system)





Dear Mr Davidson,

Thank you for your application for access to information dated 17.6.2015 on
"Food nutrient finder data".

Kindly note that your request is being processed and we will revert to you
as soon as possible.

for Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene


Dear Mr Davidson,

Thank you for your application for access to information dated 17.6.2015 on
"Food nutrient finder data".

Kindly note that your request is being processed and we will revert to you
as soon as possible.

for Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene


Dear Mr Davidson,

I refer to your e-mail of 17 June 2015 requesting (1) a full list of all
food items in the Nutrient Information Inquiry System (NIIS) database and
the source of the information and (2) a copy of records on the food items
analysed by the Centre for Food Safety. We reviewed the NIIS and confirmed
that although the nutrient information from various sources is not
presented on one NIIS webpage, the source of nutrient information can be
located at the bottom of each food group webpage and at the top of each
individual food webpage.

With regard to the request on a copy of records on the food items analysed
by the Centre for Food Safety, the information requested is not readily
available as we do not hold a database on sources of composite samples
(i.e. sampling locations). Nevertheless, for sampling information of
specific studies collaborated with the Consumer Council, you may wish to
refer to the study reports for further information (These studies are
listed at the bottom of this webpage -

for Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene

----- Forwarded by Eric TY CHEUNG/FEHD/HKSARG on 8/7/2015 11:43 -----
| From: |
| To: |
|[FOI #19 email] |
| Date: |
|23/6/2015 09:41 |
| Subject: |
|Freedom of Information request - Food nutrient finder data |

Dear Mr Davidson,

Thank you for your application for access to information dated 17.6.2015 on
"Food nutrient finder data".

Kindly note that your request is being processed and we will revert to you
as soon as possible.

for Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene


Dear Food and Environmental Hygiene Department,

Thank you for your response to my request for information.

Regarding my first request "a full list of all food items in the Nutrient Information Inquiry System (NIIS) database and the source of the information", I accept that the source is provided on each page, but I would also like to know the date that the source was interrogated. As I mentioned in my original request, legislation regarding certain food constituents does change over time and so it would be useful to know which legal framework the source is based on. For example, trans fats have been outlawed in the US for a few years, but not in Hong Kong. Thus, any item with information from The Nutrient Data Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture (SR22), may represent the trans fat content before or after trans fat legislation. If the NIIS is referencing post-legislation sources, it is likely to fail to represent the trans fat content to be found in Hong Kong's food items because Hong Kong did not follow the US legislation. I therefore request again that you provide the date of access to each source for each item in the NIIS.

I thank you for informing me about the specific reports published on the website, this partially answers my second request for records of studies performed by government food testing agencies. Can you tell me if there is any plan to release these tables in e.g. CSV format (rather than PDF) and perhaps on the government's open data portal

Thank you for all your time taken in this matter.
Yours faithfully,

Rob Davidson


I am out of office and shall return on 15/7/2015. 我目前不在辦公室,直至
15/7/2015 才回來。

I will respond to your message when I return. 我返回辦公室後便會回覆你。For
urgent matters, please contact EO(CFS)1, Miss Mabel CHOR at 2867 5318 or EO
(CFS)2, Mr Collin CHAN at 2867 5445. 如有要事,請致電 2867 5318 聯絡 EO
(CFS)1,左美寶小姐或 2867 5445 聯絡EO(CFS)2,陳發貴先生。


(i) This is an automated response to your message "Re: D寄: Freedom of
Information request - Food" sent on 14.07.2015 1:27:00 AM.
(i) 這是對你於 14.07.2015 1:27:00 AM 所發送的訊息 "Re: D寄: Freedom of
Information request - Food" 的自動回應。

(ii) You will receive only one such notification per day while this person
is out of office.
(ii) 當此人不在辦公室時,你於同一日內只會收到一次如此的通知。


Dear Mr Davidson,

Thank you for your preceding email.

Kindly note that your request is being processed and we will revert to you
as soon as possible.

for Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene

| From: |
|Rob Davidson <[電郵地址]> |
| To: |
|[電郵地址] |
| Date: |
|14/7/2015 01:29 |
| Subject: |
|Re: D寄: Freedom of Information request - Food |

Dear Food and Environmental Hygiene Department,

Thank you for your response to my request for information.

Regarding my first request "a full list of all food items in the Nutrient
Information Inquiry System (NIIS) database and the source of the
information", I accept that the source is provided on each page, but I
would also like to know the date that the source was interrogated. As I
mentioned in my original request, legislation regarding certain food
constituents does change over time and so it would be useful to know which
legal framework the source is based on. For example, trans fats have been
outlawed in the US for a few years, but not in Hong Kong. Thus, any item
with information from The Nutrient Data Laboratory, United States
Department of Agriculture (SR22), may represent the trans fat content
before or after trans fat legislation. If the NIIS is referencing
post-legislation sources, it is likely to fail to represent the trans fat
content to be found in Hong Kong's food items because Hong Kong did not
follow the US legislation. I therefore request again that you provide
the date of access to each source for each item in the NIIS.

I thank you for informing me about the specific reports published on the
website, this partially answers my second request for records of studies
performed by government food testing agencies. Can you tell me if there is
any plan to release these tables in e.g. CSV format (rather than PDF) and
perhaps on the government's open data portal

Thank you for all your time taken in this matter.
Yours faithfully,

Rob Davidson

-----Original Message-----

Dear Mr Davidson,

I refer to your e-mail of 17 June 2015 requesting (1) a full list of all
food items in the Nutrient Information Inquiry System (NIIS) database and
the source of the information and (2) a copy of records on the food items
analysed by the Centre for Food Safety. We reviewed the NIIS and confirmed
that although the nutrient information from various sources is not
presented on one NIIS webpage, the source of nutrient information can be
located at the bottom of each food group webpage and at the top of each
individual food webpage.

With regard to the request on a copy of records on the food items analysed
by the Centre for Food Safety, the information requested is not readily
available as we do not hold a database on sources of composite samples
(i.e. sampling locations). Nevertheless, for sampling information of
specific studies collaborated with the Consumer Council, you may wish to
refer to the study reports for further information (These studies are
listed at the bottom of this webpage -

for Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

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Dear Mr Davidson,

Reference is made to your email dated 14 July 2015 in response to our
department’s Mr Eric CHEUNG’s reply of 9 July 2015, which requested for
additional information on the subject matter.

Further to our department’s Mr Eric CHEUNG’s interim reply of 15 July 2015,
our further reply is as follows:

Regarding when the source of the information in Nutrient Information
Inquiry System (NIIS) was interrogated, the NIIS has adopted four sources
of data from overseas countries namely, the Nutrient Data Laboratory,
United States Department of Agriculture (SR22) released in 2009, the
Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Control
and Prevention (CFC2002Ed2) released in 2009, Food Standards Australia New
Zealand (NUTTAB2006) released in 2006-2007, and Institute of Nutrition,
Mahidol University, Thailand (FCD2002) released in 2002. The last update of
NIIS was in January 2013, which provided information on energy and
nutrients of about 7000 food items.

For the tables of sampling information in the reports published on the
Centre for Food Safety’s (CFS) website for the specific studies
collaborated with the Consumer Council, PDF is the available format. We
would like to thank you for the suggestion of availability of other
electronic file format for the tables of information. We would look into
the possibility of such when we plan for publishing study reports on our
CFS' website in the future where appropriate.

If we can be of any assistance in the provision of other information in the
future, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Collin CHAN
for Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene