Permission to work for non-refoulement claimants

Rachel Li根據公開資料要求入境事務處披露資料

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.


Dear Immigration Department,

I am writing to request the following information:
(1) The number of substantiated non-refoulement claimants who have applied for permission to work in 2017, 2018, 2019 and Q1 2020 respectively
(2) The number of applications for permission to work approved by the ImmD in 2017, 2018, 2019 and Q1 2020 respectively
(3) The number of applications for permission to work rejected by the ImmD in 2017, 2018, 2019 and Q1 2020 respectively
(4) The number of applications for permission to work withdrew by applicants/ where no further action could be taken in 2017, 2018, 2019 and Q1 2020 respectively
(5) The reasons for rejecting applications for permission to work
(6) The reasons no further actions could be taken with the applications

Thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Rachel Li


Our ref. : IL/00279043/20, L/M (24) in ImmD RALS1/6-20/3/C


Dear Ms Li,


We refer to your application for access to information of 14 May 2020
relating to statistics on non-refoulement claims.


Your application is now under processing.  Our Department would revert to
you on or before 3 June 2020 according to paragraph 1.16 of the Code on
Access to Information.



Best Regards,



(FUNG Man-him)

for Director of Immigration

To learn more about the application requirements and procedures of the
most frequently used services provided by the Hong Kong Immigration
Department, you are welcome to visit the Easy Access Playlist at Hong Kong
Immigration Department [1]YouTube Channel. The concerned video clips have
Cantonese voice-over supplemented by Chinese or English subtitles.


<Important Notice>
In processing your enquiry, collection of personal data may be required.
Personal data so collected will be transferred to the relevant sections of
the Immigration Department for follow up actions. The provision of
personal data is voluntary. If you do not provide such data, we may not be
able to process your enquiry. You have the right to request access to or
correction of your personal data as provided, and the request should be
addressed to : Chief Immigration Officer (Information and Liaison)
Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. You may also
browse information relating to the ��Statement of Privacy Policy and
Practice�� of the Immigration Department in our Homepage at

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Our ref. : IL/00286172/20, L/M (24) in ImmD RALS1/6-20/3/C

Dear Ms Li,


We refer to your request for information dated 14 May 2020 relating to
statistics on non-refoulement claims.


Further to our interim reply on 22 May 2020, please be informed that
non-refoulement claimants are illegal immigrants, overstayers or persons
who were refused entry upon arrival in Hong Kong.  They do not have any
legal status to remain in Hong Kong.  Regardless of the outcome of their
claims, they have no right to work in Hong Kong.  In February 2014, the
Court of Final Appeal upheld in GA & Ors v. Director of Immigration
[(2014) 17 HKCFAR 60] that substantiated claimants and mandated refugees
recognised by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
have no constitutional or other legal rights to work in Hong Kong. 
Nevertheless, the Director of Immigration may exercise his discretion
exceptionally to consider, on a case-by-case basis, an application for
permission to take employment.


The numbers of applications made by the abovementioned persons for taking
employment handled by the Immigration Department (ImmD) since 2017 are
tabulated below:


Applications Applications withdrawn or
Year Applications approved on Applications no further action could
received discretionary rejected be taken
2017 36 19 0 10
2018 62 42 0 7
2019 69 84 0 8
2020 (as 33 33 0 0
at end
Total 200 178 0 25

Note: Applications processed in a given year may not be those received in
total in the same year.  Applications approved, rejected, withdrawn or
where no further action could be taken as listed above include those
received by ImmD before 2017.


All related applications will be handled by ImmD in accordance with the
procedures.  Applicants will also be reminded by ImmD to submit the
required information or supporting documents.  In general, in case the
applicants fail to provide the required information or documents, ImmD
will not be able to proceed with the processing of and no further action
will be taken on their applications.


I hope you will find the above information useful.


Best Regards,


(LEUNG Lap-hang)

for Director of Immigration


To learn more about the application requirements and procedures of the
most frequently used services provided by the Hong Kong Immigration
Department, you are welcome to visit the Easy Access Playlist at Hong Kong
Immigration Department [1]YouTube Channel. The concerned video clips have
Cantonese voice-over supplemented by Chinese or English subtitles.


<Important Notice>
In processing your enquiry, collection of personal data may be required.
Personal data so collected will be transferred to the relevant sections of
the Immigration Department for follow up actions. The provision of
personal data is voluntary. If you do not provide such data, we may not be
able to process your enquiry. You have the right to request access to or
correction of your personal data as provided, and the request should be
addressed to : Chief Immigration Officer (Information and Liaison)
Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. You may also
browse information relating to the ��Statement of Privacy Policy and
Practice�� of the Immigration Department in our Homepage at

This e-mail message (together with any attachments) is for the designated
recipient only. It may contain information that is privileged for the
designated recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, you are
hereby notified that any use, retention, disclosure, copying, printing,
forwarding or dissemination of the message is strictly prohibited. If you
have received the message in error, please erase all copies of the message
(including attachments) from your system and notify us immediately.


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