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About 790 FOI requests found

Vaccine Pass Implementation (Oct 2022)
Response by Civil Service Bureau to Hong Kong on .


Dear Sir/ Madam, Thank you for your email dated 14 October 2022.  After consulting the relevant subject division, please find our reply as follows:...
Response by Department of Health to Hong Kong on .


敬啟者:         (本署編號:DO EC 2037/22) 就你於2022年10月17日的電郵查詢,衞生署現回覆如下: 政府參考衞生署衞生防護中心轄下的疫苗可預防疾病科學委員會和新發現及動物傳染 病科學委員會(聯合科學委員會)早前的建議並已購買第三代猴痘疫苗。首批第三代 疫苗(...
Response by Department of Health to Andy Chui on .

Partially successful.

Chui先生:   謝謝你2022年10月20日的電郵,就你的查詢事項,醫院管理局總辦事處現謹回應如下 :   有關2019年冠狀病毒病死亡個案的定義及數據等資料屬衞生署衞生防護中心處理事務 範圍。如需向衞生署索取有關資料,可參閱該署載於以下網頁的聯絡資料:   衞生署(一般查詢)...
Response by Food and Health Bureau to Irene Fowler on .


Dear Irene,   With reference to your email dated 13 October 2022 to request for a copy of the DQHs guidelines under the Code on Access to Informat...
Dear Sir / Madam,                 Thank you for your email of 30.9.2022.                 Regarding your request for the relevant court records of...
Dear Tony, Your email request for access to information dated 19.09.2022 refers.  Please find the requested information as follows - Turnouts of a...
Dear Tony, Your email request for access to information dated 19.09.2022 refers.  Please find the requested information as follows - Turnouts of f...
Dear Tony, Attached please find the provisional figures of known deaths by month in Hong Kong from Jan 2021 to July 2022 for your reference.  Figure...
Andy Chui:   根據《公開資料守則》要求索取資料 申請編號:92/2022   本局於2022年9月22日收到你根據《公開資料守則》提出索取資料的申請,現回覆如 下:   由於學校已實施「疫苗通行證」安排,除獲豁免人士或學生以學生身份參加學校安排 的活動(例如...
Number of staff
Response by Immigration Department to Katy on .


Dear Katy, I refer to your email of 21 September 2022.  Your requested figures in the excel file is attached below. Access to Information Officer...
Establishment and strength
Response by Education Bureau to Katy on .


Dear Katy,   Code on Access to Information Application No. 86/2022   I refer to your follow-up enquiries under the Code on Access to Informa...
Response by Immigration Department to CYC on .


本處檔號:( 19 ) in ImmD BDM(S) 6-5/2/1 Pt.140 CYC 先生/女士: 謝謝你於 2022 年 9 月 9 日的索取資料申請及 9 月 15 日的電郵回覆。隨電郵附 上最新版本的「婚姻監禮人指南」(修訂於 2017 年 11 月)及其附錄供閣下參閱。 如有...
徐先生: 公開資料守則 - 申請編號:63/2022                                         截至2022年9月6日 00:00,第5波的死亡個案包括631宗已接種一 劑疫苗疫苗但未滿14天的人士,150宗已接種兩劑疫苗但未滿14天的人士,31宗已接...
Response by Department of Health to Andy Chui on .

Partially successful.

Andy, 謝謝你的跟進查詢。 就海外地區人士的登機要求,政府憲報公告並無訂明有關醫生證明書的簽發地或格式 等要求。詳情請參閱2022年第800號號外公 告[1]
Response by Security Bureau to Lynette on .


Lynette女士: 你於2022年8月19日按公開資料守則向入境事務處申請索取有關核實永久性居民身份 證資格的統計數字。繼本處於8月26日的暫覆,我現獲授權回覆如下: 本處沒有備存優秀人才入境計劃來港人士核實永久性居民身份證資格的申請個案數字 。就有關其他申請索取的資料,請參閱以下附件:...
Bus tender
Response by Transport Department to Katy on .


Dear Wing, I refer to your request for access to information no. 244/22 and our interim replies dated 28.7.2022 and 9.8.2022.  The requested informa...
Schedules of services
Response by Transport Department to Katy on .


Dear Mr LAU I refer to your request for access to information no. 245/22.  Further to our interim replies on 29.7.2022 and 9.8.2022, please download...
李先生: 本處於本年8月19日收到閣下根據《公開資料守則》所作的索取資料申請。現提供相 關資料供你參考。 1997年7月至今九龍城區議會主席及副主席任期記錄 屆別 主席 任期 副主席 任期  臨時區議會 鄧寶匡先生 1997-07-05 至 - - (7/1997-12/1999)...
Dear Mr De Eb,   Thank you for your Application to Access to Information dated 19 August 2022. Please find below the Hospital Authority (HA) Head...
Vaccine Pass Implementation (Aug 2022)
Response by Civil Service Bureau to Hong Kong on .


Dear Sir/ Madam,   Thank you for your email dated 7 August 2022.  After consulting the relevant subject division, please find our reply as follows...
Response by Education Bureau to kan on .


Kan:   根據《公開資料守則》要求索取資料 申請編號:80/2022   本局於2022年8月18日收到你根據《公開資料守則》提出索取資料的申請,現回覆如 下:   有關「2020/21學年的全日制經本地評審自資副學位和學士學位課程按院校劃分的整 體學生人數」資料,...
Gender distribution
Response by Civil Service Bureau to Katy on .


Dear Katy,   Thank you for your email dated 29 July 2022.  After consulting the relevant subject division, please find our reply as follows:  ...
PCR核酸檢測SARS CoVid-2病毒的標準
Response by Department of Health to Andy Chui on .


致查詢者: 謝謝你於八月十二日的電郵,關於一則WHO於2021年11月26日在互聯網上發放的資訊 。這段訊息的內容是報導有關SARS-CoV-2檢測的新近發現,針對部份變異株對 Spike Protein 基因檢測可能呈陰性。有關訊息並非對實驗室檢測標準作出建議。香港的病 毒檢測並沒有因應此...
Response by Hong Kong Observatory to Andy Chui on .


Andy Chui 你好! 天文台網站只提供過去每日數據,可在以下網址找到過去每日氣候數據 : [1]氣 候 資 料 服 務 在 "氣 候 資 料 庫" 裡點擊 "個 別 氣 象 站",在 "氣 象 站 :" 選擇想要查詢 的氣象站,點擊  "個別要素的每日數據"    選擇   ...
Dear Mr. TONG, Thank you for your e-mail. The figures we sent to you on 3.8.2022 refer to known deaths, whereas those figures in table 1.4 of the H...