Requests similar to 'Isolation of Sars-CoV-2 Virus'

Dear Mrs Van de Pol,   Thank you for your Application for Access to Information, which the Department of Health transferred to the Hospital Author...
Dear Mrs Van de Pol,   Further to my reply dated 27 April 2022, please find below the Hospital Authority (HA) Head Office’s response to your reque...
Scientific Evidence Supporting Mask Protocol
Response by Department of Health to Allyson van de Pol on .

Partially successful.

Dear Sir/Madam,   Your email dated 27 November 2021 to the Department of Health has been referred to the Food and Health Bureau.  Please find our re...
Cycle/ Cross Over Threshold for PCR Tests
Response by Department of Health to Allyson van de Pol on .

Awaiting internal review.

Dear Allyson van de Pol, Thank you for your follow up question on 12/8/2021. In PHLSB, sample pooling was performed on specimens for SARS-CoV-2 sc...
Dear Allyson van de Pol, Thank you for your email on 29.9.2021 for seeking additional information. Please find our reply as below: No. The SARS-C...
Information Given to Covid 19 Vaccine Patients
Response by Department of Health to Allyson van de Pol on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Allyson van de Pol, Code on Access to Information   Re:  Application No. DO EC 0880/22 I refer to your email dated 5 May 2022 to our departme...
Thank you so much for your very clear response. Very much appreciated. This leads to a number of follow-on questions that I hope you can help to pr...
Internal review request sent to Department of Health by Andy Chui on .

Information not held.

衞生署: 謝謝你們在10月26號的突然資料更新。 有關你們確認有6,144宗個案死於2019冠狀病毒病,根據你們再早前的回復你們是用PCR核酸檢測來確認死者是否感染2019冠狀病毒病。但是基于下面兩大問題,請你們再確認是否肯定那6,144宗死亡個案真的因為2019冠狀病毒病而死? 1) 是...
Omicron symptoms (updated)
Response by Department of Health to Allyson van de Pol on .

Partially successful.

Dear Allyson, Code on Access to Information Re: Application No. 27/2022         Further to our previous reply dated 4.4.2022, please find our reply...
Dear Mr Chui, Thank you for your email on 19/5/2022. From the public domain, we aware that some institutions do perform isolation of SARS‐CoV‐2 [...
Covid 19 cases to date
Response by Department of Health to Allyson van de Pol on .


Dear Sir / Madam, Code on Access to Information    Re: Application No. 3/2022         Thank you for your email dated 24 January 2022 regarding your...
Cycle Threshold for Current PCR Tests
Response by Department of Health to Allyson van de Pol on .


Dear Allyson van de Pol, Thank you for your email on 21.2.2022. Please find our reply as below: The current PCR cycle number of SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR...
梁先生:   就你於2022年2月8日申請索取的資料,本局現回覆如下:   1) 在第二/三階段時,若市民已在近期(例如少於28日內)接種一劑上述的疫苗,會 被視為已符合「疫苗通行證」的要求嗎? 2) 在第三階段時,若18歲以上市民已在較早前(例如9個月內)接種一劑上述的疫苗...
Asymptomatic Testing for Covid-19
Response by Department of Health to Allyson van de Pol on .


Dear Allyson van de Pol,   The Food and Health Bureau (FHB) received your application under the Code on Access to Information on 23 August 2021.  ...
Recent CDC Recommendations
Request sent to Department of Health by Allyson van de Pol on .

Information not held.

Given the recent recommendations concerning Covid 19, titled "Summary of Guidance for Minimising the Impact of Covid 19"
Omicron symptoms
Response by Department of Health to Allyson van de Pol on .

Long overdue.

Dear Sir / Madam, Code on Access to Information    Re: Application No. 2/2022             Thank you for your email dated 24 January 2022 regarding y...
Dear Mrs Van de Pol,   Thank you for your Application to Access to Information dated 22 April 2022. Please find below the Hospital Authority (HA)...
Dear Yue Teng, Thank you for your email requesting for information on the Labour Department (LD)’s work relating to trafficking in persons (TIP) and...
Mandatory quarantine order
Response by Department of Health to SM Darwin on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Ms Darwin, Following our interim replies on 14 April and 24 April 2023, regarding the request for isolation orders and the total number of quar...
Spending on Covid 19 Related Protocols
Response by Department of Health to Allyson van de Pol on .

Partially successful.

Dear Allyson van de Pol, I refer to your email dated 15.10.2021 as attached below. Our reply dated 12.10.2021 in response to your email of of 5.10....
Death Rates in Hong Kong 2020-2023
Request sent to Department of Health by Allyson van de Pol on .

Partially successful.

Can you please advise the total death rates (from all cause mortality) in Hong Kong from January 2020- Present. Yours faithfully, Allyson van de...
Response by Department of Health to Allyson van de Pol on .


Dear Allyson van de Pol, Thank you for your email on 29.9.2021 for seeking additional information. Please find our reply as below: There is no bi...
Dear Allyson van de Pol, Please be informed that your application has been referred to the Census and Statistics Department ("C&SD") and they will r...
Covid 19 Deaths
Response by Department of Health to Allyson van de Pol on .


Dear Mrs Van de Pol,   The Department of Health transferred your Application for Access to Information to the Hospital Authority (HA) on 4 Februar...
Dear Allyson, Thank you for your enquiry dated 19.10.2023. The Department of Health compiles and publishes mortality statistics annually. Provisio...