Our ref. : L/M (135) in ImmD RALS1/6-20/3/C
Dear David Wilson,
We refer to your request for Access to Information of 26 March 2024 and
申請編號 :RNCD-0000005-24
由於 如果在本處發信日期起計兩星期仍未收到你的回覆,便會終止有關申請,不再...
Our ref.: IL/00186837/24, L/M (133) in ImmD RALS1/6-20/3/C
Dear Jade Anderson,
We refer to your application for access to information of 26...
Dear Paras,
Attached please find the information as requested:
[See attachment "Summary of TIP Information (2018-2023).xlsx"]
Our ref. : L/M (120) in ImmD RALS1/6-20/3/C
Dear Valerie Ruecker,
Thank you for your e-mail dated 10 October 2023 requesting informati...
Dear Jit,
I was given to know that the case officer had contacted you regarding the
captioned visa application. You are advised to seek the informat...
Our ref. : IL/00924055/23
Our ref.: L/M (119) in ImmD RALS1/6-20/3/C
Dear Chloe Loo,
I refer to your further correspondence of 26 October...
Dear Moazam,
I refer to your request for access to information on 13 August 2022.
Regarding the information on what kind of persons could drive on H...
I am interested on your statistics on dependent visa applications for dependents of Hong Kong Permanent Residents. How many of these dependent visa...
Ref.: L/M (747) in RP 3/230/23R
Our Reference: L/M (614) in ImmD DR/6-5/10/R
Dear H.Y. FUNG,
I refer to your request for access to information on 22.09.2023. I hereby
provide yo...
Our Reference: L/M (5) in ImmD CIC/6-5/10 (R) Pt.9
Dear H.Y. Fung,
I refer to your request for access to information on 28 August 2023 and
our inte...
Our Reference: L/M (6) in ImmD CIC/6-5/10 (R) Pt.9
Dear H.Y. Fung,
I refer to your request for access to information on 1 September 2023 and
our in...
Dear Ms Dotto,
I refer to your request for access to information on 25 July 2023.
Further to our interim replies of 28 July 2023 and 14 August 2023,...
Our Reference: L/M(4) in ImmD CIC/6-5/10 (R) Pt. 9 and L/M (611) in ImmD
Dear Gigi LO,
I refer to your request for access to informati...
Our Reference: L/M (6) in ImmD CIC/6-5/10 (R) Pt.8 and L/M (598) in ImmD
Dear H.Y. FUNG,
I refer to your request for access to informat...
Our Reference: L/M (594) in ImmD DR/6-5/10/R
Dear Gigi LO,
I hereby provide the following information:-
The Immigration Department (“ImmD”) has fo...
Dear Gigi Lo,
I refer to your request for access to information on 30 November 2021 and
clarification of your request by email on 22 December 2021. ...
Our Ref.: L/M (10) in ImmD AP 6-5/1/C
I refer to your request for access to information made by e-mail on 27
September 202...
Our reference: RDCD-0000491-23
Dear H. Y. Fung,
I refer to your request for access to information on 30 June 2023. Our
reply is provided as below....
Dear H. Y. Fung,
I refer to your email of 4 July 2023. Please be informed that the
substantive reply to the captioned request has been sent to you...
Ref: L/M (126) in RP 32/230/R
2018年12月 2019年12月 2020年12月 2021年12月 2022年...
Our Reference: L/M (9) in ImmD CIC/6-5/10 (R) Pt.8
Dear H.Y. Fung,
I refer to your request for access to information on 24 April 2023 and our
Our Chance to go back to HK before the 36th months absence is about to expire next April 2022
Dear Mr. Pormarejo and Ms. Fajardo,
Thank you for your request under Code on Access to Information of 17 March
2022. I am authorised to reply as fol...
僅顯示使用accessinfo.hk發出的請求。 ?