Requests similar to 'Details of Average Prices and Prices Ranges of Fresh Food Items From 2000-2017'

Request for FC No.: 2/2019

Awaiting classification.

Dear Mr Wong, I refer to your emails of 22 November 2020. We enclose herewith the copy of Financial Circular No. 2/2019 for your reference.     I...
Dear Ms LI, Code on Access to Information - Application No. 35/2021 I refer to your email dated 5 March 2021, seeking access to a copy of “Invitat...
Dear Guy Freeman, Thank you for your email.  Subsequent to our interim reply dated 4 September 2015, we would like to provide further information an...
Dear Ben,   Please find the requested information below for self-studying purposes.  It is not to be used for purposes other than stated and not t...
Victor Lam先生:   你於2023年2月3日致政府資訊科技總監辦公室(下稱「資科辦」)查詢資訊科技合約 員工事宜,現回覆如下。   問題1, 2, 3及5的回覆:   在T25及T26合約服務下,容許 T 合約員工在合約完結前兩個月轉換承辦商申請涉及 不同職務的...
Hong Kong Habitat Classifcation GIS Data
Response by Environment Bureau to Brett Morgan on .

Information not held.

Dear Brett, Thank you for your email. Please note that a study "2008 Update of Terrestrial Habitat Mapping and Ranking Based on Conservation Value...
Scientific Evidence Supporting Mask Protocol
Response by Department of Health to Allyson van de Pol on .

Partially successful.

Dear Sir/Madam,   The Food and Health Bureau (FHB) has received your application referred by the Department of Health under the Code on Access to In...
Dear Mr. CHAN. Your email on 1 October 2018 is receiving our attention with the following reply: The requested information of establishment of the...
Dear Mr Yip,         I refer to your enquiry about the figures for the charts shown in the "Hong Kong Economic Trends" webpage ([1]http://www.hkeco...
Dear Yue Teng, Thank you for your email requesting for information on the Labour Department (LD)’s work relating to trafficking in persons (TIP) and...
Dear Mr. KIM, Thank you for your email dated 10.9.2020.  Regarding your request for information about the lists of polling stations by constituency...
Food prices trend from 2000-2017 in HK
Response by Census and Statistics Department to Lisa on .


Dear Lisa,         I refer to your request for food prices trend data in geographical details made under the Code on Access to Information on 15 Oct...
Hong Kong Shapefile Data
Response by Home Affairs Department Headquarters to Suneel on .

Waiting clarification.

Dear Suneel, Sorry to learn that the email address has been removed (although we do not know why).   Hence, I have put the email address onto the...
Dear Mr Yip, I refer to your request for information about (I) industrial classification of establishments related to the 35 technologies and (II)...
Request for access to TCS 2011 Database
Response by Transport Department to EW on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Sir/ Madam, I refer to your email dated 19 January 2023 requesting the associated databases on Travel Characteristics Survey (TCS) 2011 for you...
Dear Mr LEUNG, Regarding your request for information about voter turnout by age group and sex of each ordinary polling station in the 2019 District...
Direct Investigations and Direct Investigation Assessments
Response by Office of The Ombudsman to stranbusel on .

Partially successful.

Fax                : 2882 8149 Tel                 : 2629 0428 Our Ref        : L/M (2a) to OMB/G/16/03 III Subject        : Request for Information...
Dear Mr LEUNG, Regarding your request for information about voter turnout of each ordinary station by age group and sex for the four District Counci...
Dear Mrs Van de Pol,   Thank you for your Application for Access to Information, which the Department of Health transferred to the Hospital Author...
Dear Mr. CHAN. Your email on 16 August 2018 is receiving our attention with the following reply: The requested information of establishment of the...
Our Ref.:  (53) in DH HPB/6-20/1 Pt.3 Dear Sir / Madam, Thank you for your email dated 5 October 2021 regarding the captioned subject.  Please fin...
Dear Mr Wilson, Thank you for your email on 19 May 2023 to the Labour and Welfare Bureau which has been referred to the Labour Department (LD) for fo...
Dear Michael, I refer to your preceding email of 11 April 2021, requesting access to information about Hong Kong regional data on income per-capita...
Dear Mingyuan, I refer to your application dated 29 Nov 2023 requesting the associated databases on Travel Characteristics Survey (TCS) 2011 for you...
Response by Immigration Department to CYC on .


本處檔號:( 19 ) in ImmD BDM(S) 6-5/2/1 Pt.140 CYC 先生/女士: 謝謝你於 2022 年 9 月 9 日的索取資料申請及 9 月 15 日的電郵回覆。隨電郵附 上最新版本的「婚姻監禮人指南」(修訂於 2017 年 11 月)及其附錄供閣下參閱。 如有...