Requests similar to 'Ivory licenses'

I would like to appeal the accessinfo request I made to the AFCD regarding providing a list of all the licensed ivory dealers in Hong Kong, alongsid...
I would like to appeal the accessinfo request I made to the AFCD regarding providing a list of all the licensed ivory dealers in Hong Kong, alongsid...
I would like to appeal the accessinfo request I made to the AFCD regarding providing a list of all the licensed ivory dealers in Hong Kong, alongsid...
Ivory stockpile data

Information not held.

Dear Mr. Edmunds, Thank you for your email of 8 August 2016. You may wish to note that under  "Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Specie...
Dear Ben,   Please find the requested information below for self-studying purposes.  It is not to be used for purposes other than stated and not t...
Direct Investigations and Direct Investigation Assessments
Response by Office of The Ombudsman to stranbusel on .

Partially successful.

Fax                : 2882 8149 Tel                 : 2629 0428 Our Ref        : L/M (2a) to OMB/G/16/03 III Subject        : Request for Information...
Victor Lam先生:   你於2023年2月3日致政府資訊科技總監辦公室(下稱「資科辦」)查詢資訊科技合約 員工事宜,現回覆如下。   問題1, 2, 3及5的回覆:   在T25及T26合約服務下,容許 T 合約員工在合約完結前兩個月轉換承辦商申請涉及 不同職務的...
Hong Kong Habitat Classifcation GIS Data
Response by Environment Bureau to Brett Morgan on .

Information not held.

Dear Brett, Thank you for your email. Please note that a study "2008 Update of Terrestrial Habitat Mapping and Ranking Based on Conservation Value...
Dear Val, Thank you for your clarification of the coverage of your requested information and the intended use.  Further to our interim reply on 10....
傳真                : 2882 8149 電話                : 2629 0428 本函檔號          : L/M (4a) to OMB/G/16/03 III 主旨                :索取資料要求–主動調查及主動調查審研列表 st...
Country Park Bonudary
Response by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department to Alexis on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Alexis, Thank you for your email about requesting the digital format of boundaries of 9 Country Parks. We have no objection to releasing the re...
[Our Ref: ATI 10/2024 in AF GR 6-5/2] Dear Alexis and Lijie, Thank you for your email dated 24 January 2024.  We have no objection to releasing th...
The endangered species data

Partially successful.

Dear Miss Qiu, The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is an international agreement which regul...
Dear Ms/Mr LAM, The specified coastal area is not allocated to the Department and neither fish raft nor mariculture activity is found in the "abando...
Dear Grace, We do not have the data for stray dogs in Hong Kong in 2021 yet. On the other hand, we do have data to know whether the stray dog are ab...
Dear Ms Hart This is Police's case. As Police is still investigating and following up the case, all arrangements for animals (including future rehome...
Dear Pili, We receive your request for the data of illegal feeding and wildlife attack on 15 January and we need more time to process your request. ...
Dear Grace, Thank you for your email dated 11/12/2021. Unclaimed animals not in good health may due to lack of care, for instance,shortage of proper...
Dear Kristopher, We received your request for information on 11.4.2022.  However, your requested information is not in the procession of the Departm...
Dear Frances, Referring to your request dated 9 January 2024, our reply is as follows: -        How many males are still in tact?         There ar...
Local Registered Animal Shelters
Response by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department to Yin on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Yin, For Q1, AFCD does not have information on number of local animal shelters in Hong Kong as registration is not required. For Q2, Under no...
Dear Frances, We received your request for information of sterilization of buffaloes in South Lantau island on 30 November and we need more time to...
Country Park .Shp File
Response by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department to Jon Chung on .

Partially successful.

Dear Jon, Please be advised that the boundaries of country parks in shapefile format only show the approximate boundaries interpreted from the origi...
Dear Mr Sargent, We received your request for euthanasia policy of bovine wildlife in Lantau island on 20 November and we need more time to process...
Dear Ms YANG, We plan to prepare the requested information in the following format, please comment whether it is the information you need. Name of...