類似「Current traffic light system in Hong Kong」的要求

Dear Mr. Hatillari, I refer to your email dated 16.5.2015 and attach the locations of signalised junctions in Hong Kong for your reference, please....
Current traffic light system in Hong Kong
運輸署已於回覆Zoey Tsang


Dear Ms Tsang, I refer to your email dated 24.10.2018 requesting for information on traffic light system in Hong Kong.  Our reply to your request is...
Dear Mr Kan, I refer to your application dated 5.10.2020.  The on-street and off-street motorcycle parking spaces by district in Kowloon and New Ter...
Prohibited public roads for learner drivers
運輸署已於回覆C.C. Kan


Dear Mr Kan, I refer to your email dated 2.7.2018 and attach the lists of roads with learner driver prohibited for your reference. Regions Distric...
Dear Mr/Ms Sha, I refer to your email dated 16.9.2021.  The retrieved files recording the hourly traffic at relevant stations are attached as reques...
Dear Yue Teng, Thank you for your email requesting for information on the Labour Department (LD)’s work relating to trafficking in persons (TIP) and...
Dear Mr. KIM, Thank you for your email dated 10.9.2020.  Regarding your request for information about the lists of polling stations by constituency...
Scientific Evidence Supporting Mask Protocol
衞生署已於回覆Allyson van de Pol


Dear Sir/Madam,   The Food and Health Bureau (FHB) has received your application referred by the Department of Health under the Code on Access to In...
Dear Guy Freeman, Thank you for your email.  Subsequent to our interim reply dated 4 September 2015, we would like to provide further information an...
Request for FC No.: 2/2019
財經事務及庫務局財經事務科已於回覆Mr Wong


Dear Mr Wong, I refer to your emails of 22 November 2020. We enclose herewith the copy of Financial Circular No. 2/2019 for your reference.     I...
Dear Ben,   Please find the requested information below for self-studying purposes.  It is not to be used for purposes other than stated and not t...
Hong Kong Habitat Classifcation GIS Data
環境局已於回覆Brett Morgan


Dear Brett, Thank you for your email. Please note that a study "2008 Update of Terrestrial Habitat Mapping and Ranking Based on Conservation Value...
Traffic control for emergency vehicles


Dear Mr/Ms Hailong, I refer to your email dated 10.8.2021.  Our reply is as follows - Question: Could you please provide more details on what metho...
Dear Mr. EDMUNDS,         Regarding your email was received by this office on 8 June 2020, I set out below our reply for your information please....
衞生署已於回覆Patrick Chan


Patrick Chan 先生: 本局於2021年5月11日收到衞生署分別轉交你的電子郵件予本局及醫院管理局。經諮 詢相關部別後,本局現就你查詢2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃下社區疫苗接種中心及 有關資料回覆如下。至於指定普通科門診診所,則屬於醫院管理局管轄。 一般而言,在最高通量情況下,...
Dear James, I refer to your application for access to information dated 26 December 2019. Further to our interim reply on 3 January 2020, please b...
Dear Jeffrey Thank you for your application dated 28 September seeking access to information relating to the record of flooding reports during rains...
Minibuses with no seatbelts
運輸署已於回覆Simon Wang


Dear Mr Wang, I refer to your email of 22.6.2021.  Our reply to your request is as follows. Under Regulation 6(C) of the Road Traffic (Safety Equip...
Dear Mr LEUNG, Regarding your request for information about the 2015 District Council Ordinary Election, please refer to the following:- Voter tur...
Font Files for Road Signs in Hong Kong
運輸署已於回覆William Gosling


Dear Mr GOSLING, I refer to your request for access to information no. 314/23.  Further to our interim reply dated 11 August 2023, our reply is as f...
Dear Mr LEUNG, Regarding your request for information about voter turnout by age group and sex of each ordinary polling station in the 2019 District...
'Detention' statistic in ImmD Annual Reports
Request sent to 入境事務處 by H. Y. Fung on .


I am writing to make an information access request about the number of ‘Detention’ cases as listed in Appendix 13 of the Immigration Department Annu...
Driving licence by gender and past record


Dear Bernardo, I refer to your request for access to information no. 439/23.  Further to our interim reply dated 26 October 2023, our reply is as fo...
Dear Mr Wong, Thanks for your email. Attached please find the requested information for your record.  Thank you. [(File-Checksum-00000001)] Be...
Dear Sir, Our responses to your request of 2019-12-16 are appended below for your perusal, please - 1.        Arrests related to the protests (sin...