類似「Data on fixed penalty tickets and traffic summonses」的要求

Dear Ms LI, Code on Access to Information - Application No. 35/2021 I refer to your email dated 5 March 2021, seeking access to a copy of “Invitat...
Dear Mr Wong, Please be informed that there has been no revision for the mentioned book, ever since computerization is in place from the Third Gener...
Victor Lam先生:   你於2023年2月3日致政府資訊科技總監辦公室(下稱「資科辦」)查詢資訊科技合約 員工事宜,現回覆如下。   問題1, 2, 3及5的回覆:   在T25及T26合約服務下,容許 T 合約員工在合約完結前兩個月轉換承辦商申請涉及 不同職務的...
Dear Yue Teng, Thank you for your email requesting for information on the Labour Department (LD)’s work relating to trafficking in persons (TIP) and...
Our Ref.:        ( 6 ) in L/M (7144) to FEHD BAS 6-5/5/1 Tel. No.:         2867 5513 Fax No.:        2521 7261 Jimmy Email: [FOI #406 email] Dea...
Our Ref.:        L/M (8429) to FEHD BAS 6-5/5/1 Tel. No.:         2867 5513 Fax No.:        2521 7261 Mr. James Ockenden Email: [FOI #529 email]...
Dear Mr. Hatillari, I refer to your email dated 16.5.2015 and attach the locations of signalised junctions in Hong Kong for your reference, please....
Dear Mr. KIM, Thank you for your email dated 10.9.2020.  Regarding your request for information about the lists of polling stations by constituency...
Dear Charlie, The Guideline on Inter-departmental Cooperation for the Handling of Suspected Cases of Trafficking in Persons is re-attached for your...
Dear Mr Wang, I refer to your email of 10.5.2021 about the "two-way section fare", i.e. tapping the same Octopus card that passengers used for board...
Dear Guy Freeman, Thank you for your email.  Subsequent to our interim reply dated 4 September 2015, we would like to provide further information an...
Carbon Neutrality
環境局已於回覆Renata Fraiha


Dear Renata, Referring to your enquiry dated 7 February 2022, please find below our reply (in blue) corresponding to your inquiry. Q1)        In t...
Dear Mr. Wang, Thank you for your application dated 12 May 2021 seeking access to information about Noise Barriers for Tolo Highway. Further to our...
Dear Mr/Ms Sha, I refer to your email dated 16.9.2021.  The retrieved files recording the hourly traffic at relevant stations are attached as reques...
Hong Kong Habitat Classifcation GIS Data
環境局已於回覆Brett Morgan


Dear Brett, Thank you for your email. Please note that a study "2008 Update of Terrestrial Habitat Mapping and Ranking Based on Conservation Value...
Dear Xinying I refer to your request for access to information no. 069/23.  Further to our interim reply dated 2 March 2023, our reply is as follows...
Dear Mr Kan, I refer to your application dated 5.10.2020.  The on-street and off-street motorcycle parking spaces by district in Kowloon and New Ter...
Prohibited public roads for learner drivers
運輸署已於回覆C.C. Kan


Dear Mr Kan, I refer to your email dated 2.7.2018 and attach the lists of roads with learner driver prohibited for your reference. Regions Distric...
Dear Ben,   Please find the requested information below for self-studying purposes.  It is not to be used for purposes other than stated and not t...
Dear Mr LAM, Thank you for your email dated 13.02.2018. Further to our reply on 22.02.2018, the requested information about public housing estates are...
Dear Ms Wai, I refer to your request of 2022-04-18 and append below our responses to the questions raised: Question 1 As at 2022-04-24, 4 474 res...
Our Ref.: ( 4 ) in L/M (10265) to FEHD BAS 6-5/5/1 Tel. No.: 2867 5513 Fax No.: 2521 7261 Ms. WAI Email: [FOI #1062 email] Dear Ms. WAI, Appli...
Dear Mr/Ms Kan, I refer to your emails dated 10.9.2020 and 15.9.2020 requesting information on motorcycle parking spaces.  The on-street and off-str...
Dear Mr LEUNG, Regarding your request for information about voter turnout of each ordinary station by age group and sex for the four District Counci...
Proposals from franchised bus companies


Dear Katy, I refer to your email dated 11.1.2022.  Our reply is as follows. In assessing Franchised Buses (‘FB’) companies’ proposals which make ad...