Requests similar to 'Detention of Two Citizens of Czech Republic'

Dear Ben,   Please find the requested information below for self-studying purposes.  It is not to be used for purposes other than stated and not t...
Dear Guy Freeman, Thank you for your email.  Subsequent to our interim reply dated 4 September 2015, we would like to provide further information an...
Victor Lam先生:   你於2023年2月3日致政府資訊科技總監辦公室(下稱「資科辦」)查詢資訊科技合約 員工事宜,現回覆如下。   問題1, 2, 3及5的回覆:   在T25及T26合約服務下,容許 T 合約員工在合約完結前兩個月轉換承辦商申請涉及 不同職務的...
Dear Charlie, The Guideline on Inter-departmental Cooperation for the Handling of Suspected Cases of Trafficking in Persons is attached for your refe...
Dear Mrs Van de Pol,   Further to my reply dated 27 April 2022, please find below the Hospital Authority (HA) Head Office’s response to your reque...
Dear Hugo, Your request under Code on Access to Information was received on 15 November 2023.  The quantity of Dangerous Drugs seized by the Customs...
Dear Hugo, Your request under Code on Access to Information was received on 16 November 2023. As we do not have readily available information regar...
Direct Investigations and Direct Investigation Assessments
Response by Office of The Ombudsman to stranbusel on .

Partially successful.

Fax                : 2882 8149 Tel                 : 2629 0428 Our Ref        : L/M (2a) to OMB/G/16/03 III Subject        : Request for Information...
Dear Ms LI, Code on Access to Information - Application No. 35/2021 I refer to your email dated 5 March 2021, seeking access to a copy of “Invitat...
Dear Yue Teng, Thank you for your email requesting for information on the Labour Department (LD)’s work relating to trafficking in persons (TIP) and...
Dear Calvin, I refer to your email of 10 April 2020 regarding the application of Access to Information. I am pleased to enclose herewith the copy...
Detention policy as of August 2021
Response by Immigration Department to Preston Cheung on .

Long overdue.

Our ref. : ImmD RM/6-5/10/2021/439(R) Dear Mr. Preston Cheung,   I refer to your request for information under the Code on Access to Information...
migrants detention statistics in Hong Kong
Response by Immigration Department to Ms Dotto on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Ms Dotto, I refer to your request for access to information on 25 July 2023.  Further to our interim replies of 28 July 2023 and 14 August 2023,...
傳真                : 2882 8149 電話                : 2629 0428 本函檔號          : L/M (4a) to OMB/G/16/03 III 主旨                :索取資料要求–主動調查及主動調查審研列表 st...
Body cavity searches conducted by C&ED
Response by Customs and Excise Department to Gigi Lo on .

Partially successful.

Dear Ms Lo, I refer to your email dated 26 October 2021. The complaint was filed by a 29-year old local female citizen to our Complaints Investiga...
Request for FC No.: 2/2019

Awaiting classification.

Dear Mr Wong, I refer to your emails of 22 November 2020. We enclose herewith the copy of Financial Circular No. 2/2019 for your reference.     I...
Body cavity searches performed by C&ED
Response by Customs and Excise Department to Rachel Li on .

Partially successful.

本部門已收到你的電郵,並會作出適當跟進。如果你的電郵涉及情報、案件舉報,或 者你需要盡快與部門聯絡,請致電24小時海關舉報熱線 (852) 2545 6182或轉發你的 電郵至。謝謝。 香港海關 (以上為電腦程式自動發出的訊息。) This is...
Dear Mr. CHAN. Your email on 1 October 2018 is receiving our attention with the following reply: The requested information of establishment of the...
Dear Taylor,   Protection, support and assistance measures set out in Annex 8C of the "Fourth Report of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region...
Human trafficking data
Response by Customs and Excise Department to Scott Edmunds on .

Information not held.

Dear Sir/Madam,         Thank you for your email of 22 September 2017.  Please be informed that the Joint Financial Intelligence Unit (JFIU) is led...
I refer to your reply dated 5 January 2022. Please kindly provide additional information on the following. Follow-up question (1) In your reply...
Human Trafficking: Prosecutions
Response by Department of Justice to Isaac Shaffer on .

Partially successful.

Dear Mr Shaffer, I refer to your application for access to information submitted to Department of Justice on 2 October 2019 on prosecution and convi...
Scientific Evidence Supporting Mask Protocol
Response by Department of Health to Allyson van de Pol on .

Partially successful.

Dear Sir/Madam,   The Food and Health Bureau (FHB) has received your application referred by the Department of Health under the Code on Access to In...
Dear David, I refer to your email of 12 November 2019 regarding an application of Access to Information. I am pleased to enclose herewith a copy o...
Dear Iris, I refer to your emails of 11 December 2019 regarding the application of Access to Information. I am pleased to enclose herewith the cop...