Requests similar to 'GIS Data Request' (page 20)

I am writing to make a data access request about immigration detainees in Ma Tau Kok Detention Centre (MTKDC). May I know, on the end of month date...
Age distribution of non-refoulement claims
Request sent to Immigration Department by David Lai on .

Awaiting classification.

I am writing to request for the age distribution of non-refoulement claims and the number of cases in each age groups in Hong Kong. Thanks. Yours...
Dear Mr Taylor Amarel,         I refer to your request for information under the Code on Access to Information (“the Code”) received by this Departm...
Dear Charlie, I refer to your request for information under the Code on Access to information (“the Code”) received by the Labour Department on 26 J...
Nasal and throat swab
Response by Department of Health to S Rozario on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Miss S Rozario, Further to our previous reply dated 17.9.2021, please find our reply on your requested information under Code on Access to Info...
Feedback System of Public Hospitals
Response by Hospital Authority to Sunny SHU on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Mr Shu,   Further to my reply dated 12 October 2021, please find below the HA Head Office’s responses to the items you requested:   Items...
The Feedback Collection System for Public Hospitals
Response by Hospital Authority to Li Jiaxuan on .

Partially successful.

Dear Miss Li,   Further to my reply dated 12 October 2021, please find below the Hospital Authority (HA) Head Office’s responses to the items you...
Dear Ms. Li, Attached please find the reply in pdf format for your reference.   Yours sincerely, (CHAN Nga-ting) for Commissioner for Labour F...
Dear Ms. Li, Attached please also find the below reply in pdf format for your reference.   Yours sincerely, (CHAN Nga-ting) for Commissioner fo...
Dear Mr Taylor Amarel,         I refer to your request for information under the Code on Access to Information ("the Code") received by this Departm...
Dear Mr. Scott Edmunds,                         I refer to your email on 8 September 2016.         Please be kindly advised that your request will...
Statistics on airport detentions
Response by Hong Kong Police Force Airport District to Scott Edmunds on .

Information not held.

Dear Sir, Thank you again for your clarification. Our Crime Unit confirmed that the requested data/ information is not under the possession of the...
Complaints/suggestions about taxi services
Response by Transport Department to Zoya Zhao on .


Dear Miss Zhao, I refer to your email dated 6.10.2017 requesting for information on complaints/suggestions about taxi services and would like to pro...
Data request about suicides in Hong Kong
Response by Hong Kong Police Force Support Wing to Paulus Choy on .

Information not held.

Dear Paulus, Regarding the number of suicide cases that possess recognizance papers, please kindly advise the contents/meaning of the recognizance p...
Dear Mr Davidson, Reference is made to your application for access to information dated 15.6.2015 on "Trans fat legislation and considerations". Furt...
Mercury poising cases in Hong Kong
Response by Department of Health to Scott Edmunds on .


Dear Scott Edmunds, I refer to your email enquiry dated 23 Jan 2018 requesting for information on mercury poisoning cases in Hong Kong in the last d...
Dear Mr Edmunds, Thank you for your email below. In 2016, the Research Grants Council (RGC) reviewed its open access policy and agreed to adopt th...
I am writing to request the digital boundary of Designated Country Parks and Special Areas and the files provided in shapefile or dwg format are app...
In the website of the OGCIO (under Facilitating Cross-boundary Data Flow within the Greater Bay Area), a memorandum was mentioned under the FAQ prov...
Legal representation at TCAB, Q4 2019
Response by Security Bureau to Rachel Li on .


Dear Ms Li,         I refer to your email of 9 March 2020 seeking additional information on legally represented appeals/petitions received, conclude...
04/12/2020 Dear George, Subject:Freedom of Information request - Request for Monthly Ridership of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge Shuttle Bus (Case Ref...
I am writing to request the digital boundary of Water Control Zones and the files provided in shapefile or dwg format are appreciated. The diagram...
Dear Ms Melissa Chen, Our department has received your application for access to information on 5 December 2023.  Your application is now under proc...
Dear H. Y. Fung, I refer to your email of 4 July 2023.  Please be informed that the substantive reply to the captioned request has been sent to you...
Dear H. Y. Fung, I refer to your request for access to information on 7 December 2022.  Further to our interim replies of 12 December 2022 and 23 De...