Requests similar to 'Update on Prohibited public roads for learner drivers'

Prohibited public roads for learner drivers
Response by Transport Department to C.C. Kan on .


Dear Mr Kan, I refer to your email dated 2.7.2018 and attach the lists of roads with learner driver prohibited for your reference. Regions Distric...
Dear Bryan Our department received your request for access to information on 16 February 2023.  Our reply is as follows: A learner driver may driv...
Machanism for reviewing bus frequency
Request sent to Transport Department by Simon Wang on .


Referring to my earlier email requesting a review of the frequency of KMB bus route 272A dated 18 Feb and your reply dated 20 Mar, it is disappointi...
Dear Mrs Van de Pol,   Further to my reply dated 27 April 2022, please find below the Hospital Authority (HA) Head Office’s response to your reque...
Traffic control for emergency vehicles
Response by Transport Department to Hailong on .


Dear Mr/Ms Hailong, I refer to your email dated 10.8.2021.  Our reply is as follows - Question: Could you please provide more details on what metho...
Dear Mr Wang, I refer to your email of 10.5.2021 about the "two-way section fare", i.e. tapping the same Octopus card that passengers used for board...
Dear Mr. Hatillari, I refer to your email dated 16.5.2015 and attach the locations of signalised junctions in Hong Kong for your reference, please....
Dear Ben,   Please find the requested information below for self-studying purposes.  It is not to be used for purposes other than stated and not t...
Proposals from franchised bus companies
Response by Transport Department to Katy on .


Dear Katy, I refer to your email dated 11.1.2022.  Our reply is as follows. In assessing Franchised Buses (‘FB’) companies’ proposals which make ad...
Dear Mr. KIM, Thank you for your email dated 10.9.2020.  Regarding your request for information about the lists of polling stations by constituency...
Dear Yue Teng, Thank you for your email requesting for information on the Labour Department (LD)’s work relating to trafficking in persons (TIP) and...
Dear Norman, We received your application for access to information dated 24 September 2019 requesting for information on the boundary of reclamatio...
Minibuses with no seatbelts
Response by Transport Department to Simon Wang on .


Dear Mr Wang, I refer to your email of 22.6.2021.  Our reply to your request is as follows. Under Regulation 6(C) of the Road Traffic (Safety Equip...
Request for Road Network 2001-2020
Response by Transport Department to Sha Yu Hin on .


27/09/2021 Subject:Freedom of Information request - Request for Road Network 2001-2020 (Case Ref: 3-6908798913) Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for your e...
Dear Mr/Ms Sha, I refer to your email dated 16.9.2021.  The retrieved files recording the hourly traffic at relevant stations are attached as reques...
Dear Mrs Van de Pol,   Thank you for your Application for Access to Information, which the Department of Health transferred to the Hospital Author...
Data about traffic characteristics based on gender
Response by Transport Department to Eliane Wang on .

Awaiting classification.

22/10/2021 Subject:公開資料 request - Data about traffic characteristics based on gender (Case Ref: 3-6941407938) Dear Eliane, Thank you for your email...
Data about traffic characteristics based on gender
Response by Transport Department to Eliane Wang on .

Awaiting classification.

22/10/2021 Subject:公開資料 request - Data about traffic characteristics based on gender (Case Ref: 3-6941408059) Dear Eliane, Thank you for your email...
Data about traffic characteristics based on gender
Response by Transport Department to Eliane Wang on .

Awaiting classification.

22/10/2021 Subject:公開資料 request - Data about traffic characteristics based on gender (Case Ref: 3-6941529139) Dear Eliane, Thank you for your email...
Dear David, I refer to your email of 12 November 2019 regarding an application of Access to Information. I am pleased to enclose herewith a copy o...
Dear Iris, I refer to your emails of 11 December 2019 regarding the application of Access to Information. I am pleased to enclose herewith the cop...
Same names for different bus stops
Response by Transport Department to Simon Wang on .

Awaiting classification.

13/07/2021 Dear Simon, Subject:Freedom of Information request - Same names for different bus stops (Case Ref: 3-6805325819) Please be informed that...
Hong Kong Habitat Classifcation GIS Data
Response by Environment Bureau to Brett Morgan on .

Information not held.

Dear Brett, Thank you for your email. Please note that a study "2008 Update of Terrestrial Habitat Mapping and Ranking Based on Conservation Value...
Scientific Evidence Supporting Mask Protocol
Response by Department of Health to Allyson van de Pol on .

Partially successful.

Dear Sir/Madam,   The Food and Health Bureau (FHB) has received your application referred by the Department of Health under the Code on Access to In...
Dear Calvin, I refer to your email of 10 April 2020 regarding the application of Access to Information. I am pleased to enclose herewith the copy...