類似「How could the procurement policy promote “‘Salt/Sugar’ Label Scheme for Prepackaged Food Products” scheme」的要求

Dear Zhang Luting, Thank you for your emails of 30 September and 4 October 2021. The government procurement policy is to obtain goods and services...
Concerning about the health problems of people in Hong Kong caused by high intake of salt, my classmate and I are doing a research based on the gove...
Concerning about the health problems of people in Hong Kong caused by high intake of salt, my classmate and I are doing a research based on the gove...
Concerning about the health problems of people in Hong Kong caused by high intake of salt, my classmate and I are doing a research based on the gove...
Out of concern for health problems of people in Hong Kong caused by high intake of salt, my classmate and I are doing a research based on the gover...
Concerning about the health problems of people in Hong Kong caused by high intake of salt, my classmate and I are doing a research based on the gove...
Concerning about the health problems of people in Hong Kong caused by high intake of salt, my classmate and I are doing a research based on the gove...
Health condition among Hong Kong People influenced by large intake of salt
Request sent to 衞生署 by Lesia on .


Out of concern for health problems of people in Hong Kong caused by high intake of salt, my classmate and I are doing a research based on the govern...
Our Ref.:  (53) in DH HPB/6-20/1 Pt.3 Dear Sir / Madam, Thank you for your email dated 5 October 2021 regarding the captioned subject.  Please fin...
Dear Dr Wang, Our department has received your follow-up email dated 4 March 2021 seeking the Information about low carbon lifestyle. I attach our...
Dear Ben,   Please find the requested information below for self-studying purposes.  It is not to be used for purposes other than stated and not t...
Request for FC No.: 2/2019
財經事務及庫務局財經事務科已於回覆Mr Wong


Dear Mr Wong, I refer to your emails of 22 November 2020. We enclose herewith the copy of Financial Circular No. 2/2019 for your reference.     I...
Dear Ms LI, Code on Access to Information - Application No. 35/2021 I refer to your email dated 5 March 2021, seeking access to a copy of “Invitat...
Victor Lam先生:   你於2023年2月3日致政府資訊科技總監辦公室(下稱「資科辦」)查詢資訊科技合約 員工事宜,現回覆如下。   問題1, 2, 3及5的回覆:   在T25及T26合約服務下,容許 T 合約員工在合約完結前兩個月轉換承辦商申請涉及 不同職務的...
Scientific Evidence Supporting Mask Protocol
衞生署已於回覆Allyson van de Pol


Dear Sir/Madam,   Your email dated 27 November 2021 to the Department of Health has been referred to the Food and Health Bureau.  Please find our re...
Dear Yue Teng, Thank you for your email requesting for information on the Labour Department (LD)’s work relating to trafficking in persons (TIP) and...
Department Establishment and Dispositions
懲教署已於回覆Luke Chan


Dear Mr. CHAN. Your email on 1 October 2018 is receiving our attention with the following reply: The requested information of establishment of the...
Dear Mr Davidson, Reference is made to your application for access to information dated 15.6.2015 on "Trans fat legislation and considerations". Furt...
Dear Sir/Madam Thanks for your reply dated 10 March in response to my questions raised on 6 Mar. Please confirm in writing that the A...
Prisoners' living condition and CSD's policies in different weather
Request sent to 懲教署 by Zou Xiang Wei on .


Recently, there has been some news (Hot weather petition with 100,000 signatures pours heat on Hong Kong prison bosses (https://www.scmp.com/news/ho...
As a teacher at the Baptist University I am working with a group of students to investigate issues related to child obesity and red...
Dear Simon, Thank you for your enquiry. We would like to provide our responses as follows:- At present, WSD has 21 seafront salt water pumping stat...
Nuclear waste water and food safety
食物及衞生局已於回覆Simon Wang


Dear Simon Wang,         Further to my email on 1 May 2021, our reply to your application dated 27 April 2021 is provided in the ensuing paragraphs....
Dear Bernardo,         Thank you for your application dated 16 January 2023 seeking access to the information on amendments to the final register (“...
Dear Charlie, The Guideline on Inter-departmental Cooperation for the Handling of Suspected Cases of Trafficking in Persons is re-attached for your...