I am requesting gis shapefile data for planning unit boundaries/ census gis data. I am looking for shapefile polygon data for the following b...
Dear Eric,
I refer to your request for age data in geographical details made
under the Code on Access to Information on 16 Mar 2017.
2. ...
Dear Eric,
I refer to your request for the monthly household income data in
geographical details made under the Code on Access to Informatio...
Dear Ms LI,
Code on Access to Information - Application No. 35/2021
I refer to your email dated 5 March 2021, seeking access to a copy of
Dear Brett,
Thank you for your email.
Please note that a study "2008 Update of Terrestrial Habitat Mapping and
Ranking Based on Conservation Value...
Dear Mr. KIM,
Thank you for your email dated 10.9.2020. Regarding your request for
information about the lists of polling stations by constituency...
Dear Xinying
I refer to your request for access to information no. 069/23. Further to
our interim reply dated 2 March 2023, our reply is as follows...
Dear Guy Freeman,
Thank you for your email. Subsequent to our interim reply dated 4
September 2015, we would like to provide further information an...
Our file ref: (29/21) in TS I/AI/1 Pt. 65
Dear Sha Yu Hin,
I refer to your request dated 16.9.2021 regarding to the subject matter.
2. ...
Dear Ben,
Please find the requested information below for self-studying purposes.
It is not to be used for purposes other than stated and not t...
Our file ref: (08/22) in TS I/AI/1 Pt. 65
Dear Wang Yiyang,
We acknowledge receipt of your request dated 14.6.2022 under the "Code on
Access to In...
Dear Li Zeng,
I refer to your request for gis shapefile data made under the Code on
Access to Information on 26 September 2017. Our reply is provid...
Dear Sir/Madam,
The Food and Health Bureau (FHB) has received your application referred by
the Department of Health under the Code on Access to In...
Dear Mr Wong,
I refer to your emails of 22 November 2020.
We enclose herewith the copy of Financial Circular No. 2/2019 for your
Dear Mr LAM,
Thank you for your email dated 13.02.2018. Further to our reply on
22.02.2018, the requested information about public housing estates are...
Our Ref. (36) in CENST/SID/6-5/2/3 Pt. 2 21 (Application No. HQ/002/2022)
Dear Taku,
Regarding your request for statistical information on income b...
Dear Alexis,
Regarding your request for population aged 15 and over by educational
attainment (highest level attended), median monthly domestic hous...
Dear Kelly,
I refer to your request for the statistics on monthly household income
data of Hong Kong under the Code on Access to Information on 10 F...
Dear Calvin,
I refer to your email of 10 April 2020 regarding the application of Access
to Information.
I am pleased to enclose herewith the copy...
Dear Cheryl,
I refer to your request for information on census data and
thematic household survey data at TPU level made under the Code on A...
Dear Yue Teng,
Thank you for your email requesting for information on the Labour
Department (LD)’s work relating to trafficking in persons (TIP) and...
Dear Mr. CHAN.
Your email on 1 October 2018 is receiving our attention with the following
The requested information of establishment of the...
Our file ref: (01/23) in TS I/AI/1 Pt. 66
Dear Xinying TAN,
We acknowledge receipt of your email dated 2.2.2023 under the "Code on
Access to Infor...
Victor Lam先生:
問題1, 2, 3及5的回覆:
在T25及T26合約服務下,容許 T 合約員工在合約完結前兩個月轉換承辦商申請涉及
Dear Ken,
As clarification on some aspects is required before your request could be
proceeded, grateful if you could contact Mr Leung direct (Tel.:...